Stuff you need to know, 1.30.23

“Lawmakers want more timely reporting of campaign cash”
by Marjorie Childress, New Mexico In Depth
January 27, 2023

Under proposed New Mexico House Bill 103, the campaign contribution reporting period would end on Election Day, for both the primary and general elections, and a report would be due a week rather than months later. The new rules would also shift two annual reports filed by public officials who are already in office to June and early January, from the current due dates in April and October. The January report would capture all money contributed in November and December, the months just before the annual legislative session kicks off.  

Click on the above link to read this free-access article.


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Diana Tittle
Diana Tittle

Diana Tittle, a member of the board of Sierra County Public-Interest Journalism Project, was the editor of the Sierra County Sun, the Citizen's precursor. A former resident of Truth or Consequences who now lives part-time in northern New Mexico, she spent her 42-year professional career in Cleveland, Ohio, where she worked as a newspaper reporter, magazine writer and editor, book author and publisher and publishing consultant. She is the recipient of a Cleveland Arts Prize for Literature.

Posts: 332

One comment

  1. She says there campaign contributions that haven’t been reported until this month. Not really. The Campaign Finance Information System isn’t accepting transactions so far. I was told a software update should be forthcoming (or at least coming at some point).

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