The City of T or C's third referendum on the purchase and renovation of a police building will not be held, but the people were snookered anyway.
Read MoreSpecial election slated for March 4 is cancelled
The three-day weekend of February 21-23 will see the return of the hugely popular MeTeORiC Festival event in Truth or Consequences. Check out the full schedule of performances.
Read MoreThe MeTeORiC Festival is back
Locally-produced film "Hell or Hot Water" to be shown at El Cortez Theater on February 27th
Read MoreWorld Movie Premiere at El Cortez
New City Manager Gary Whitehead is a very good communicator, which was put to the test his first city commission meeting.
Read MoreWhitehead brings transparency to $9.7-million water project
Want to know the details of the new city manager's contract? A cumbersome synonym instead of city manager is one detail.
Read MoreNew “Chief Administrative Officer” Gary Whitehead’s contract with City of T or C
The Sierra County Arts Council and artist Kendra Brock completed the new sculpture dedicated to the memory of Carol Plec now installed at the Healing Waters Plaza in the heart of TorC’s Historic Hot Springs District.
Read MoreNew Sculpture will become focal point of Healing Waters Plaza
Ours is not to reason why, ours is to pay higher utility bills and taxes to support a plethora of capital projects.
Read MorePeople of T or C left out of loop on city’s legislative priorities
Whitehead starts Monday, his native status and familiarity with the city and its people perhaps giving him a leg up in hitting the ground running.
Read MoreGary Whitehead is selected as city manager
Pathetic pay raise for T or C police is not enough to stop the revolving door.
Read MorePay raise still puts T or C police salaries way below nearby cities and county
Fair and equitable distribution of the new flood control tax? Most likely ranchers will continue to benefit much more than city dwellers.
Read MoreNot even trying to look impartial–elected officials and county manager nominate Sierra County Arroyo Flood Control District directors
After the 2022 New Mexico Supreme Court decision that allows the public to fish and boat on all waters of the state as a matter of the public trust doctrine, the landowners filed suit in federal district court for relief. Thursday, the federal court dismissed their case.
Read MoreWhat you need to know, January 19, 2025: Public access victory for the State
We so need to correct bad practices that got us into the current utility crises. I say an outsider, with utility management and city planning experience, is the best choice, not more of the same.
Read MoreCity manager job will probably go to a local