Judge orders landowners to open road to Aldo Leopold Wilderness trailhead

Woods and trail along Percha Creek.
The Citizen republishes here Ben Neary’s article from the New Mexico Wildlife Federation’s website. There will be a follow up from Steve Morgan and Nichole Trushell on behalf of the Percha Creek Association, the other successful claimants in this litigation.
Read MoreJudge orders landowners to open road to Aldo Leopold Wilderness trailhead

What you need to know, November 20, 2024: Got health insurance?

Ancient coin from Sardis (Turkey) with caduceus (c. 140-144 CE)
ProPublica investigates more health care problems. It details how UnitedHealth uses its statistical data to find mental health patients to deny payment for care, sometimes forcing therapists and doctors to withdraw care. It’s all part of “saving money,” “efficiency,” responsible sounding terms in corporate PR speak for "profit" and "greed."
Read MoreWhat you need to know, November 20, 2024: Got health insurance?