The ballot measure for $3 million in general obligation bonds for water, sewer and roads passed two years ago. How many voters knew or cared that property taxes would double or triple to pay off that debt?
It's sickening that Augustin Plains Ranch, owned by an Italian billionaire, has forced the people to pay for legal battle after legal battle to stave off a massive water grab.
The funds for the Citizen are down to the last few hundred dollars, enough to get us to October. But we hope readers will donate enough to get us through all of next year.
Flood control for Williamsburg, the southeastern part of Truth or Consequences and the Sierra County Fairgrounds is going to be expensive. Liability is probably driving this project, but it’s not been explicitly stated.
Polycart customers way overpay and commercial-dumpster and drive-in customers at the scale house way underpay. “Free” recycling is paid for, really, by the polycart customers.
More wheeling and dealing behind closed doors by the T or C city commission concerning the purchase of the PNC Bank building for the police department. The purchase and purchase price was done in secret and a switch in how to pay for the building's renovation was too.
The city commission approved the recording of a survey map of city land at the Aug. 14 meeting, a first step in offering the land for sale. Mayor Rolf Hechler said they are still gathering information and they won't sell "until we know what we are selling it for."
The Truth or Consequences city commission is considering the sale to a private developer of the mesa above town through which winds the Healing Waters Trail. Come to the commission meeting tomorrow to let your views about the contemplated sale be known.
New Mexico's state championship Envirothon team, the Scat Cats of Truth or Consequences Municipal Schools, do Sierra County proud at Envirothon's 2024 national competition.
The district court will decide who our flood control directors will be over the next year IF the people decide we need a flood control district and another passel of local elected officials--we have a flood commissioner--or the additional tax and debt such a district will bring.