The 4th annual Sierra County Student Art Show is coming up. This has been a hugely successful -- and growing -- event, that has generated thousands of dollars in student art scholarships. And you can help.
Doctors are leaving New Mexico. Hospitals essential to small, rural counties (and that is most of them in the state, including Sierra County), find it difficult to stay in the black. The Searchlight New Mexico reporter Ed Williams thinks the cause is malpractice insurance. His analysis has started a controversy.
ProPublica investigates more health care problems. It details how UnitedHealth uses its statistical data to find mental health patients to deny payment for care, sometimes forcing therapists and doctors to withdraw care. It’s all part of “saving money,” “efficiency,” responsible sounding terms in corporate PR speak for "profit" and "greed."
The New Mexico Gas Company, the natural gas company which services Truth or Consequences, has asked the state's Public Regulatory Commission for permission to be sold. If the sale is approved, it will transfer ownership from a Canadian energy company to an American equity firm.
Continuing the series of articles on the healthcare system, I offer a link to an article in Pro Publica which investigates the largest of companies which health insurers hire to examine and deny medical procedures. Evicare claims to the insurance companies that it will provide a 3 to 1 return.
I am sponsoring this analysis article by Dan Warren, one of the Citizen's behind-the-scenes sources who has technical and science savvy. He avidly follows space and science news, including the space industry's winners and losers and how they affect our lives, such as equitable access to broadband.
My cousin, a nephrologist, says that commodification of medicine has turned American doctors into contractual slaves, indentured servants. Thinking about this, I realized that not many of us actually understand what commodification means and why it is harmful for healthcare as a system. This is my explanation.
One of the consequences of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision is the lack of abortion care training for medical residents training to become OB-GYN doctors in states where abortion care is banned. This is a republication of an article by Susan Dunlap in New Mexico Political Report, September 11,2024.
The funds for the Citizen are down to the last few hundred dollars, enough to get us to October. But we hope readers will donate enough to get us through all of next year.