Attorneys for the state say that landowners are refusing to comply with a 2022 NM Supreme Court ruling allowing public access to rivers and streams. Republication of article by Danielle Prokop, of Source NM, September 6, 2024.
'Astonishing' Study Shows Infant Deaths Rise in US When Bat Populations Fall. Common Dreams has published an article examining the implications of this study. Ecologists assume that life on the planet is interconnected. While that makes sense, hard evidence has been slow to accumulate. This study seems a major demonstration.
The funds for the Citizen are down to the last few hundred dollars, enough to get us to October. But we hope readers will donate enough to get us through all of next year.
Three days ago, the summer grasses were pale and so dry. The alliums had come up thickly on the hills, but a very dry August kept them from blooming in the profusion as they usually do. The land was feeling fragile. Then the clouds opened up.
The city commission approved the recording of a survey map of city land at the Aug. 14 meeting, a first step in offering the land for sale. Mayor Rolf Hechler said they are still gathering information and they won't sell "until we know what we are selling it for."
This past year was occupied with many activities acknowledging the importance of the Gila Wilderness and its centennial. What was revealed was the interweaving of so many related topics all related to thinking about Wilderness. This article covers a new related program from the New Mexico Humanities Council.
This series of events happening in Kingston this coming weekend were meant to be included in the previous posting. Please join the folks in Kingston and the surrounding communities for their Gila Wilderness Centennial festivities.
Head out to Kingston this weekend for poetry, art and song celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Gila Wilderness. An event brought to you by the Southwest Environmental Education Center, Sierra County Arts Council, and Gila Ancestral Homelands.
There are many places in this country we call home, where one can easily slip into being a community member of the land instead of the consumer. It is a refreshing reminder to escape the keep out culture of urban living and rejoice in such a wild place, the Catwalk.
While waiting for a decision on the mine's protested application to transfer water rights to their wells for use at Copper Flat, I thought you might be interested in the positions finally taken by all the parties in the trial.