Three fourths of the old Carrie Tingley Hospital is empty now that all the veterans housed for 38 years have moved to new residences. No plan yet how to use it.
The six new residential buildings at the New Mexico State Home provide a home-like atmosphere for veterans needing higher levels of care, with each bloc of 12 units sharing a kitchen staffed by professional cooks.
After almost a two year battle to reopen Forest Road 40E west of Kingston to public access, we prevailed. The lock is removed and the entry to Middle Percha Canyon is opened with a permanent easement. This story reflects the joy felt by lovers of the canyon.
The Citizen republishes here Ben Neary’s article from the New Mexico Wildlife Federation’s website. There will be a follow up from Steve Morgan and Nichole Trushell on behalf of the Percha Creek Association, the other successful claimants in this litigation.
I look some more at the ballot and am astounded at how naive I am about elections in a democracy. Take a look at the Presidential and Vice-Presidential elections.
Have you looked at the ballot yet? I just did today, and I don't understand it. This happens every time I read a ballot. It's not at all like sitting in a meeting and discussing an issue with the others and voting on it. The ballot is insanely opaque.
Two weeks ago, The Conversation published a summary of Vice-President Harris's and former President Trump's past actions and policies during their political careers in regard to healthcare in the nation. The article is by Dr. Zachary W. Schultz of Auburn University, a specialist in the history of healthcare.
In New Mexico, horse racetracks have become centers of political power. This is a republication of a September 11 article by Noah Raess and Joshua Bowling in Searchlight New Mexico.
The funds for the Citizen are down to the last few hundred dollars, enough to get us to October. But we hope readers will donate enough to get us through all of next year.