In the past year, the Federal Trade Commission has been studying how drug pricing works. In July, it published an interim staff report on the role of pharmacy benefit managers. Last week the FTC published a second report on how the biggest three PBMs control prices.
2025 brings changes to the Sierra County Arts Council and plans are set for the annual Membership Party.
Doctors are leaving New Mexico. Hospitals essential to small, rural counties (and that is most of them in the state, including Sierra County), find it difficult to stay in the black. The Searchlight New Mexico reporter Ed Williams thinks the cause is malpractice insurance. His analysis has started a controversy.
An open invitation to the annual Sierra County Arts Council Membership party scheduled for Saturday February 1st.
Three fourths of the old Carrie Tingley Hospital is empty now that all the veterans housed for 38 years have moved to new residences. No plan yet how to use it.
For 44 years, Carrie Tingley Hospital was TorC's biggest industry, treating polio and other orthopedic disorders
The six new residential buildings at the New Mexico State Home provide a home-like atmosphere for veterans needing higher levels of care, with each bloc of 12 units sharing a kitchen staffed by professional cooks.
You'll have a little more cash for stocking stuffers after paying taxes this year, unless your property is in T or C.
ProPublica investigates more health care problems. It details how UnitedHealth uses its statistical data to find mental health patients to deny payment for care, sometimes forcing therapists and doctors to withdraw care. It’s all part of “saving money,” “efficiency,” responsible sounding terms in corporate PR speak for "profit" and "greed."
In this long-term investigation of Lincare, the largest supplier of oxygen equipment in the country, Pro-Publica shows how government regulation of the healthcare industry has been unable to prevent the growth of a new business model that lives by scamming.
One issue voters will decide on the November 5 ballot is whether to approve the sale of bonds for up to $19,305,000 for libraries. Approval would cost property owners a few dollars in additional property taxes and bring an anticipated $75,000 to Sierra county libraries.
Some say last minute NM DOT re-paving project could put some downtown merchants out of business by Christmas