The funds for the Citizen are down to the last few hundred dollars, enough to get us to October. But we hope readers will donate enough to get us through all of next year.
The Truth or Consequences city commission is considering the sale to a private developer of the mesa above town through which winds the Healing Waters Trail. Come to the commission meeting tomorrow to let your views about the contemplated sale be known.
The early monsoon rains that helped firefighters turn the corner on the South Fork and Salt fires in southern New Mexico were part of a weather pattern across the state that will likely reduce wildfire risk well into August. After that, the risk will again elevate.
All New Mexico waterways have a public easement. Why, then, has a private landowner placed fencing across Percha Creek near Kingston to restrict human and wildlife access and what can be done about it?
This past year was occupied with many activities acknowledging the importance of the Gila Wilderness and its centennial. What was revealed was the interweaving of so many related topics all related to thinking about Wilderness. This article covers a new related program from the New Mexico Humanities Council.
The impending retirement of New Mexico's state engineer raises the question of whether it is time to reform state law requiring that influential officeholder to only have expertise in engineering when alternative green infrastructure approaches to water management hold such promise?
This series of events happening in Kingston this coming weekend were meant to be included in the previous posting. Please join the folks in Kingston and the surrounding communities for their Gila Wilderness Centennial festivities.