Looking back over the series of essays called "Assaying Entropy," I summarize what has been said: why the topics so far covered are a continuous investigation of loss and time, how that process of thinking got to the question of democracy; and where that may be going.
What do you see when you look out over a landscape? When you gaze or glance at somebody? Do you glance or do you really LOOK and wonder?
Sierra County’s best kept secret is Damsite Historic District, which is undergoing restoration and worth a visit any time of year.
Is our perception of death and of human life changing because of the Covid-19 pandemic?
Today's must-read commentary: A disparate group of thinkers says we should welcome humanity's demise.
I am introducing a series of articles in which I view and weigh our present world in light of the concept of entropy, and in this first essay, I explain what entropy is and how it allows us to see the effects of everything that we do.
Today's intelligence: The Safeguard Tribal Objects of Patrimony (STOP) Act that is heading to President Biden's desk to be signed into law has roots in the theft of a ceremonial shield from New Mexico's Acoma Pueblo.
We journey through our days, brushing past people without much acknowledgement of who they are. What are their life stories?
It is not just the brash and boisterous people who have fascinating tales to tell.
Must-read reporting and commentary from around the state and the country. Today's intelligence: remembering the life of tireless community volunteer Jan Billings Thedford
Must-read reporting and commentary from around the state and the country. Today's intelligence: inspiration for the day after tomorrow
A few miles south of Socorro is a New Mexican natural treasure, the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. Known most for the visiting Sandhill Cranes, it offers a lasting nature experience any time of year as you walk amongst the towering Rio Grande Cottonwoods.
Earlier this week, the Supreme Court decided a forfeiture case in Sierra County in favor of the public.