Must-see reporting and commentary from around the state and the country. Today's intelliegence: a British writer/photographer's take on small-town America includes images of how Truth or Consequences looked 15 years ago.
Elephant Butte Lake State Park announces its third lecture series for the 2022-2023 season. Join us every other Wednesday, 6 PM, for all nine of the free lectures that range from creepy crawlies to water woes to lots of local history.
Must-read reporting and commentary from around the state and the country. Today's intelligence: an inside look at the Mexican gray wolf recovery program and an investigation of how ranchers and even federal agencies may be sabotaging the effort to restore this apex predator in New Mexico and the West.
In the movie classic "Ratatouille", the food critic says, "bring me some fresh perspective." Perspective provides the contrast in our lives. A good story weaves the contrasting pieces into a picture that lasts, comes back to you as a reminder of something worthy of catching your attention.
Celebrate Labor Day weekend in Hillsboro and Kingston. On Saturday, Sept 3 from 9 am to 3 pm Hillsboro will have a street market and on Labor Day, Sept 5 Old Kingston Days will be celebrated from 10 am to 5 pm
Old dusty towns. Faded signs hanging from one chain. Abandoned farms and old rusty cars silent in repose. Do you ever wonder about their stories?
Learning a bit about them makes them more interesting, much more interesting than "a whole lot of noisy bugs."
Fire will be a topic I discuss for awhile as the Silver Fire still has influence on our ecology in the Black Range Mountains, nine years after the burn. The Black Fire still has hot spots and as the largest single fire in New Mexican history, it will for awhile.
Must-see reporting and commentary from around the state and the country. Today's intelligence: the origins of birthright citizenship and the relationship between drought and extreme heat.
I felt a good way to start this journey would be to introduce myself and talk about why I am compelled to write what I love to write about - The natural world and our relationship to it