In the past year, the Federal Trade Commission has been studying how drug pricing works. In July, it published an interim staff report on the role of pharmacy benefit managers. Last week the FTC published a second report on how the biggest three PBMs control prices.
Read MoreWhat you need to know, January 19, 2025: Big Pharm, little Pharma, and in between
Tree NM is hosting a tree-planting event and it's open to the public. The next planting is scheduled for Saturday February 22, 2025. Here are the details:
Read MoreJoin the Tree-planting day offered through “Tree NM”
2025 brings changes to the Sierra County Arts Council and plans are set for the annual Membership Party.
Read MoreNew Board of Directors at Sierra County Arts Council
A house divided cannot stand, and the Regional Spaceport District board is divided between build-it-and-they-will-come believers and show-me-your-business-plan realists.
Read MoreCensure attempt based on house of cards
Violinist Linda Rosenthal who has performed internationally will be in Truth or Consequences on Sunday January 19th for a 1-day performance that you won't want to miss.
Read MoreLinda Rosenthal violin performance
The 4th annual Sierra County Student Art Show is coming up. This has been a hugely successful -- and growing -- event, that has generated thousands of dollars in student art scholarships. And you can help.
Read More2025 Tiger Art Show is scheduled for April
TorC MainStreet has announced the date for their clean-up event. Participants will automatically be eligible for raffle prizes.
Read MoreTorC MainStreet Clean-up Event
Two and a half years ago Robbie Montgomery was hit by a car being chased by a T or C police officer near Bullocks grocery store.The city will pay her $87,000 in damages.
Read MoreT or C to pay $87,000 in damages to woman hit by car being chased by police
Doctors are leaving New Mexico. Hospitals essential to small, rural counties (and that is most of them in the state, including Sierra County), find it difficult to stay in the black. The Searchlight New Mexico reporter Ed Williams thinks the cause is malpractice insurance. His analysis has started a controversy.
Read MoreWhat you need to know, January 7, 2024: Malpractice insurance threatens New Mexico’s doctors and hospitals
An open invitation to the annual Sierra County Arts Council Membership party scheduled for Saturday February 1st.
Read MoreUpcoming SCAC Membership Party
Three fourths of the old Carrie Tingley Hospital is empty now that all the veterans housed for 38 years have moved to new residences. No plan yet how to use it.
Read More`Historical architecture gem’ is mostly empty, leaving an opening for local preservationists
The city hands out variances like candy, regularly punching holes in the zoning code.
Read More“Why even have an RR-I zone?”