The city has never used the police department's .25 percent gross receipts tax as it was intended, but it should. Give the money to the officers in the form of higher salaries.
The New Mexico Gas Company, the natural gas company which services Truth or Consequences, has asked the state's Public Regulatory Commission for permission to be sold. If the sale is approved, it will transfer ownership from a Canadian energy company to an American equity firm.
T or C will seek big money for water and sewer projects from the state legislature this year, but it is also asking for $1.625 million in capital outlay from legislators representing our house and state districts for four smaller projects.
One issue voters will decide on the November 5 ballot is whether to approve the sale of bonds for up to $19,305,000 for libraries. Approval would cost property owners a few dollars in additional property taxes and bring an anticipated $75,000 to Sierra county libraries.
This is the third op-ed by Sierra County Flood Commissioner Sandy Jones that I have sponsored. Jones is a governor-appointed official who oversees flood-control projects and funds them with the 1.5 mills county property owners currently pay. Will voters approve the creation of a second county flood-control taxing district?
Continuing the series of articles on the healthcare system, I offer a link to an article in Pro Publica which investigates the largest of companies which health insurers hire to examine and deny medical procedures. Evicare claims to the insurance companies that it will provide a 3 to 1 return.
This reprint of Michael Benanav's article in Searthlight New Mexico describes not just the electronic protection of your vote but all the ways in which the state secures the legitimacy of the elections. Re-publication is done through a Creative Commons licence.
This Saturday and Sunday November 2nd and 3rd, don't miss this great opportunity to visit the studios of more than 30 of our local artists -- meet with them, discuss their process, and see them work. Here's everything you need to know to participate.
I am sponsoring this guest perspective and one more to follow by Sierra County Flood Commissioner Sandy Jones, who was appointed by Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham. He oversees flood-control projects using revenue from the 1.50 mills all property owners already pay for flood control. If the Sierra County Commission submits a counter-perspective, I will publish it.
I am sponsoring this guest perspective and two more to follow by Sierra County Flood Commissioner Sandy Jones, who was appointed by Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham. He oversees flood-control projects using revenue from the 1.50 mills all property owners already pay for flood control.