Commissioners heard public criticism of their priorities for Sierra County Fairgrounds improvements. Sheriff’s department deputies approved for wolf depredation investigations.
A public meeting to discuss the proposed solid waste ordinance will be held in the Hillsboro Community Center on Thursday, July 27 at 5:15.
At the urging of Hillsboro area residents, the county commission will delay signing a new solid waste ordinance until after they’ve heard input from that community. Sheriff Baker’s request to increase the department’s pay scale is approved. The commission set its priorities for spending funds to improve the county’s fairgrounds.
Tomorrow, Wednesday May 24th at 6 pm in the Albert J. Lyon Event Center there is an opportunity to find out more about the proposed Sierra County Special Hospital District.
The Hillsboro community petitioned the commission for assistance in reducing their vulnerability to fire damage. They requested assistance in removing abandoned trailers and enforcing open burn regulations. Other fire and safety needs were addressed. Assessor Houston provided a report detailing anticipated property tax revenues.
Meet Joseph M. Marshall III the 2023 winner of a lifetime achievement award from the western writers of America. The Lakota author will be at the Hillsboro community center, 158 Elenora Street, this Saturday, March 25 at 1:00.
Join the Hillsboro community Saturday, March 18 from 2:00-4:00 for a concert of Scandinavian and Celtic songs featuring Scott and Johanna Hongell-Darsee. Your donations will help the community center purchase an AED.
Commissioners heard an audit presentation then signed contracts to start projects on the Arrey baseball field, county fairgrounds, and Monticello Bridge of Grace. They also put in requests for road funding and selected a board to purge voter rolls. A decision for transferring a liquor license in Winston was delayed.
After a swearing in ceremony for elected officials, commissioner Day was selected to become chairperson and Paxon vice chair for the board in 2023. The salary for an undersheriff was set to attract capable candidates. Commission says “no” to property tax benefit for low-income residents.
The Sierra county commission will hold their first meeting of 2023 on Friday, January 6. A public hearing to consider an ordinance that will provide for a rebate on property taxes for low income residents of the county will be held at 9:45 a.m.
Three years after being invited to collaborate with Mexican wolf recovery program the county commission decided it is in the county’s best interest to join. The commission discussed but declined to submit comment to a letter from the USDA informing of plans for feral cattle removal in the Gila Wilderness.
Today is giving Tuesday, a holiday started in 2012 to support organizations that rely on charitable giving. Please share your favorite Sierra county organizations with our readers.