New Sierra County Artists Directory celebrates 20-year milestone 

The Sierra County Artists Directory is an annual publication from the Sierra County Arts Council (SCAC) with a release date in late April each year. The 2023 edition of the Artists Directory, now being distributed, celebrates a milestone — 20 years of continuous publication. Started in 2003, it was the brainchild of local artist Lois V. Smith. Recognizing there was no publication devoted to artists and the Arts of Sierra County she enlisted Rebecca Speakes to do graphic design.

The 2023 Artists Directory cover features and oil on panel titled Sierra Scenes by Bryan Steward

The 2003 Artists Directory launched the initial edition with 32 pages and a press run of 3500 copies.  Each successive year drew more advertisers. Over time the scope of the Directory evolved into 11 categories of ads.  The 2023 Artists Directory has grown to 132 pages with 5 articles, 5 map pages, 124 advertisers and 144 ads. And the press run has grown as well — to 12,000 copies for the current edition. This year’s 132 page-directory is 16 pages larger than last year’s and it’s the first perfect-bound edition. Its listing of artists and advertisers has become an indispensable resource.

An annual front cover competition invites local artists to submit their artwork for cover consideration — with just one condition. Art is chosen from work submitted by Sierra County artists who have an ad in the Directory. This year an oil on panel titled Sierra Scenes by artist Bryan Steward graces the cover. This beautiful 24 x 14 painting captures the essence of our part of New Mexico. The cover also announces that this is the 20th Anniversary Issue and features a local landmark — the dam at Elephant Butte Lake.

For 20 years the Artists Directory covers have showcased the artwork of numerous area artists in a variety of styles and mediums.

The Directory is distributed statewide and is available at numerous visitor and information centers in southern New Mexico as well as lodging, dining, gallery, and retail venues throughout the county.

The Artists Directory continues to be an all-volunteer project sponsored by the SCAC, a non-profit organization whose mission is helping Sierra County artists. The SCAC promotes all aspects of visual and performance art through events like Second Saturday Art Hop, student scholarships, and public art programs. Membership in SCAC is open to all artists and art supporters throughout Sierra County. For more information contact the Sierra County Arts Council at or call 575-894-0615.

Most of the information in this article was provided by Rebecca Speakes of the Sierra County Arts Council.


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John Johanek
John Johanek

John Johanek spent 40 years in publishing including four years as art director for Popular Mechanics in New York. He then founded his own design consulting firm with clients worldwide. His firm earned the highest awards in magazine design excellence. He’s written numerous articles on the fine points of magazine design in leading industry magazines and presented hundreds of design seminars and workshops for major trade conferences, publishing organizations and private publishers stateside and internationally. He and his wife Durrae have authored two books on Montana (his home state): Montana Behind the Scenes and Montana Folks. For the past several years John has pursued his passion for art and now he and Durrae operate Zia Gallery in Truth or Consequences to showcase their work. He is a member of the board of directors of the Sierra County Public-Interest Journalism Project.

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