Sierra Community Council donates to the Citizen

The Sierra County Public-Interest Journalism Project would like to thank the directors of the Sierra Community Council for its donation of $2,000 to further the Project’s development of the Citizen.  In particular, the Project agrees to focus the Citizen’s efforts at informing the public about local elections, to encourage debate on the issues that the elections represent, to provide venues that allow the candidates to express their positions, and to report the facts on which public choice can be reasonably based.  Other initiatives to educate the community about issues of local importance will also be developed over time.

The Sierra Community Council was founded in the early 2000s and initiated several community projects.  For many years it ran TV for T or C, which broadcast local public-interest shows and non-copyrighted, family oriented programs.  It provided viewings of city commission meetings, Fiesta parades, and school music programs.

The donation is part of Sierra Community Council’s decision formally to give up its incorporation, relinquish its non-profit status, and liquidate its assets.  The Project hopes it will be able partly to continue the Council’s mission of social and community development.


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Max Yeh
Max Yeh

Sierra County Public-Interest Journalism Project’s board president Max Yeh is a novelist and writes widely on language, interpretation, history, and culture. He has lived in Hillsboro, New Mexico, for more than 30 years after retiring from an academic career in literature, art history and critical theory.

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