“Vasquez declares victory, Herrell concedes in close congressional race”
by Nicole Maxwell, The NM Political Report
November 9, 2022
Click on the above link to read this free-access article.
“Vasquez declares victory, Herrell concedes in close congressional race”
by Nicole Maxwell, The NM Political Report
November 9, 2022
Click on the above link to read this free-access article.
Love that cartoon! The struggle continues!
Well, OK, the districts WERE reorganized – gerrymandered, if you will – but looking at the results of this race, it seems like they did a decent job of getting close to an equal number of each party in the district. We could compare that with what Republican gerrymandering looks like. Herrell lost to Xochitl four years ago and then two years ago she won. This time she lost. Opinions may differ but I think the issue of abortion and fears of losing a few other rights was more of a deciding factor than strictly party. Next time it will be another race and different issues. It’s what’s called Democracy!!! You win some; you lose some but, in theory, that’s life. It’s a good thing.