T or C mayor and husband charged with cruelty and other counts involving their 14 dogs

A Truth or Consequences animal control officer filed a criminal complaint against Mayor Amanda Forrister and her husband, Lane Forrister, for cruelty to their 14 dogs,  failure to have them licensed, failure to have them vaccinated and failure to have a multi-animal or kennel permit.

Animal Control Officer Mary Anne Di Giacomo filed the complaint in Municipal Court, which received it Nov. 2.

In the criminal complaint Di Giacomo states she and fellow Animal Control Officer Knull were called out on Sept. 6 to investigate a report of two dogs running at large near the Forrister property at 3710 East 3rd Avenue, which led to their discovery of the ill-treated animals.

She describes seeing “12 dogs in kennels and two or three running loose in the pen area.” The loose dogs “were very thin, with ribs showing, spine showing and hip bones showing. One tan dog had a cut on its neck with blood around the wound.”

“It appeared a majority of these dogs were thin,” Di Giacomo states in her complaint. “As I continued to look around, the water the dogs had in their private kennels were green and dirty. One container of water was so green it had turned to a soft green slime texture; consistent with algae.”

The officers went to the house and Amanda Forrister answered the door, confirming that the dogs belonged to her and her husband, but when the tickets were being written out and she was asked for her name, she gave only her husband’s name, Lane, according to Di Giacomo’s complaint.

The next day, Di Giacomo, Knull and then Chief of Police Victor Rodriguez went to speak with Lane and Amanda Forrister at their home.

“I thought there was a possible solution at this time,” Di Giacomo’s complaint states, “however, I am not comfortable with the solution that was talked about at that time.”

Photo of a skinny dog, submitted by Animal Control Officer Mary Anne Di Giacomo in her criminal complaint.

Both Di Giacomo and Knull “voided” the citations they wrote on Sept. 6, stated Di Giacomo, who chose to file a criminal complaint nearly two months later.

The charges are violations of the following T or C municipal codes:

3-5 (d) (2) Cruelty care and maintenance

3-71 Licenses required times 14

3-51 Vaccinations times 14

3-8.1 Multi-animal site permit and kennel permit

The charges are misdemeanors, which carry a possible fine of $1,000 or up to a year in jail or both.

An arraignment was held at the Municipal Court on Nov. 16. Lane Forrister attended. Mayor Forrister chose to preside over the regular city commission meeting held at the same time.

Their lawyer, Mark Filosa, submitted their plea of not guilty.

Filosa insisted that although the criminal complaint was filed against Lane Forrister, “the charge is against the mayor and her husband.”

“The chief told them they could do what they did,” Filosa said, referring to Rodriguez.

The city’s animal control ordinance, signed into law by Mayor Amanda Forrister on Feb. 9, 2022, gives the police department the authority to enforce the ordinance and the city manager the authority to “administer” the ordinance. It does not give the chief of police the authority to exempt people from the laws.

Rodriguez resigned from the city’s police department and his last day was at the end of September. He is now the chief of police for the Isleta Pueblo in Albuquerque. He did not respond to the Citizen’s questions concerning the Forristers’ dogs.

Amanda Forrister also did not respond to a request for comment.

A preliminary hearing is tentatively set for Jan. 10, 2023, in Municipal Court. Filosa told the court the Forristers have the right to request a jury trial.

Judge Beatrice Sanders said at the arraignment, “In my 30-plus years [with the municipal court] I have never had this happen—a case involving the mayor.”

Sanders said she consulted with the “president of the judicial association,” asking if she should or could recuse herself. The T or C city commission on which Amanda Forrister sits cut the municipal court’s budget in July, resulting in the alternate judge’s position being eliminated. Sanders said she was advised she should not recuse herself.

Unless T or  C City Attorney Jay Rubin recuses himself, he will represent the city in the upcoming proceedings, or so Filosa and Sanders surmised during their discussions at the arraignment.

Photo of inhumane kenneling submitted by Animal Control Officer Mary Anne Di Giacomo in her criminal complaint.

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Kathleen Sloan
Kathleen Sloan

Kathleen Sloan has been a local-government reporter for 17 years, covering counties and cities in three states—New Mexico, Iowa and Florida. She has also covered the arts for various publications in Virginia, New Mexico and Iowa. Sloan worked for the Truth or Consequences Herald newspaper from 2006 to 2013; it closed December 2019. She returned to T or C in 2019 and founded the online newspaper, the Sierra County Sun, with Diana Tittle taking the helm as editor during the last year and a half of operation. The Sun closed December 2021, concurrent with Sloan retiring. SierraCountySun.org is still an open website, with hundreds of past articles still available. Sloan is now a board member of the not-for-profit organization, the Sierra County Public-Interest Journalism Project, which supported the Sun and is currently sponsoring the Sierra County Citizen, another free and open website. Sloan is volunteering as a citizen journalist, covering the T or C beat. She can be reached at kathleen.sloan@gmail.com or 575-297-4146.

Posts: 115


  1. Great reporting. I wouldn’t be surprised if this gets picked up by other NM reporters. Many of us care more about our pets than some of the big issues of the day.

  2. Please stay on top of this story. Thank you- This is the only way these stories will ever see the light of day

  3. It is truly remarkable and wonderful to have a City employee stand up to an unremarkable City official and set the wheels in motion to possibly achieve a sort of justice in this community. Having lost a court case against the city for a punitive fine for opposing the Smart-meter mandate, with a violation of State Law in denying the citizens of T or C a vote on the issue. I hope that officials such as Amanda Forrister realize that they are not above the law and and are obligated to obey the same rules that they impose (without consult) on the rest of the residents and taxpayers. My hat is off to Animal Control Officer Mary Anne Di Giacomo, for doing the right thing.

  4. No one is above the Law .Accountabilty.Thank you officer Mary D for doing the right thing and animals lives matter.Will help any way I can!

  5. Animal control rocks! With temperatures in the 20’s I bet those pups are miserable. How about putting the Forristers in that nasty cage?
    Interesting that this story isn’t in the other local newspaper.

    • So far, despite the fact that I have attempted to disseminate this story as widely as possible, no New Mexico papers that I am aware of have picked it up. I’d like to find out if the dogs’ treatment has improved.

  6. My heart is breaking for these poor animals. Considering the skeletal appearance of the dog and the state of the dogs’ drinking water, this has obviously been going on for a long time. Absolutely shameful of these people. I hope the dogs are removed from the Forristers’ home and given to people who will love and care for them. Thank you for your excellent reporting.

  7. People who treat animals so cruelly have no business having them. Thank you for reporting this and kudos to Animal Control for not being afraid to do the right thing. I hope the courts will also do the right thing.

  8. An average citizen can be cited for cruelty to one animal & face enforced consequences. This happened to someone I know.
    When a shameful thing like this happens to a public official because of “willful negligence” w/living evidence, albeit barely existing proof: should it be swept under the proverbial rug?
    I think not.
    Each responsible person answers for his/her actions or reactions.
    Honesty, truth; opposed to lies & deceit.

  9. Way to go Animal Control and Officer Giacomo for the courage to stand up for these dogs in the face of people who think they are above the law, and who should not have any animals in their custody now or in the future.. Excellent reporting and bringing this issue to the forefront of not only Sierra County residents, but NM residents. Please keep it there with follow up. This home and residence is in clear view of all who drive to and from the lake. The concern for the welfare of these dogs has been reported to law enforcement in the past and simply brushed off to the side. I am immensely grateful the basic needs of these dogs to now be met. The article does not say if the dogs have been removed. The mayor and her husband should not be allowed to have these dogs or other animals in their care in the future.

  10. Please post more pictures! This needs to be more public.
    What kind of dogs are they?
    Were they breeding?
    Is this a puppy mill ?
    Are the dogs in custody?
    Did they have a veterinarian, And why would a vet not report this?
    Were they charged with neglect?
    Charged for not having a breeders license?
    Does TorC have these laws?
    Good job Animal Control!!!
    GOOD JOB!!

  11. Biggest bunch of BS I’ve ever read or heard. Folks these are hunting dogs. They work for a living. The dog pictured is not to thin, it’s in shape. I’m sure these dogs are getting all the high protein dog food they need. Have any of you commenting ever been on a lion hunt? These dogs will cover unbelievable distances in a days hunt. They do it because they love to hunt, that’s what they’ve been bred for. These dogs have good shelter to protect them from the weather. Most of you don’t understand or even have a clue about working dogs. Hunting dogs, cow dogs, sheep dogs, guard dogs etc. They WORK for a living. Before ya go to ripping on Lane maybe you better look at your overweight mutt that would have a heart attack walking more than a mile.

  12. Guess we’ve learned how this town works- flaunt the rules, get rid of the animal control person, have city council make a special ruling so you don’t have to even provide proof of rabies shots . It’s the good ole boy syndrome at its finest.
    Vote in new city council members if possible.
    And P.S. Bud- my dog runs at least 5 miles daily- I do know about working dogs.

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