Truth or Consequences hires new city manager

Angela R. Gonzales has been hired as the new Truth or Consequences city manager, with a start date of April 3.

City Manager Bruce Swingle informed the city commission during the December meeting that the city would start advertising for the city manager’s position shortly after New Year’s Day so a new person could be brought along for a couple of months before he leaves May 31.

The city commission held two closed executive sessions noticed on the agenda: “Limited Personnel Matters (city manager potential candidates) pursuant to 10-15-1(H.2).” The state law cited gives the city commission authority to essentially select a city manager behind closed doors. The city commission took action in an open session following a closed session on March 8, in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. The city commission directed staff to offer Gonzales a contract.

Gonzales chose not to give comment when the Sierra County Citizen called her at her current job—business manager for New Mexico State University’s Aggie Health & Wellness Center in Las Cruces. She has had that position for three years. She did not respond to a request for a photo.

For 13 years, from 2007 to 2020, Gonzales was county manager for Union County, which has a population of 4,107, according to the U.S. Census, and is located in the northeastern part of New Mexico.

From 2003 to 2007 Gonzales was the assistant county manager and DWI coordinator for Union County.

From 2001 to 2003 she was an administrative assistant to the Town of Clayton city manager, which is the county seat of Union County.

Gonzales’ job application states, “I have known Mr. Swingle since he was with NM Counties [New Mexico Association of Counties] and Sierra County.” Swingle gave human resources trainings for the New Mexico Association of Counties and was Sierra County’s county manager for eight years before becoming the Truth or Consequences city manager May 2021.

Gonzales left her job as Union county manager due to “family relocation for spouse retirement and new position,” according to her job application.

She has a bachelor of science degree in “ag business/economics” from New Mexico State University, she states on the application.

Her contract is for two years at $90,000 a year. She is required to participate in the state’s retirement system and will receive health benefits, but she will not accrue sick days or vacation time. She may take time off as she deems necessary.

She will receive the use of a city vehicle, since she is to be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. She may use her private cell phone for city business.

The city commission may ask Gonzales to leave at any time, but if it is without cause she will be paid three months’ salary, according to the contract.


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Kathleen Sloan
Kathleen Sloan

Kathleen Sloan has been a local-government reporter for 17 years, covering counties and cities in three states—New Mexico, Iowa and Florida. She has also covered the arts for various publications in Virginia, New Mexico and Iowa. Sloan worked for the Truth or Consequences Herald newspaper from 2006 to 2013; it closed December 2019. She returned to T or C in 2019 and founded the online newspaper, the Sierra County Sun, with Diana Tittle taking the helm as editor during the last year and a half of operation. The Sun closed December 2021, concurrent with Sloan retiring. is still an open website, with hundreds of past articles still available. Sloan is now a board member of the not-for-profit organization, the Sierra County Public-Interest Journalism Project, which supported the Sun and is currently sponsoring the Sierra County Citizen, another free and open website. Sloan is volunteering as a citizen journalist, covering the T or C beat. She can be reached at or 575-297-4146.

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