What you need to know about “Stuff you need to know”

Diana Tittle — a founder of the Sierra County Public-Interest Journalism Project, editor of our former on-line paper The Sun, and promoter of the Citizen’s “Stuff you need to know” — will no longer be managing and contributing to the Citizen. Family health issues will not permit Diana the time to search the state and national news daily to provide us links to articles that readers of the Citizen would find pertinent to life in Sierra County. These links have been an important part of the Citizen’s community service, providing a larger context for our local issues. They continually remind us that the hyper-local news to which the Citizen is dedicated is distinct from local isolationism.

The Project thanks Diana for having given us this perspective, and we hope we can provide readers with some form of this perspective in the future. For the Board, Diana’s leaving is both sad and devastating: sad because of the circumstances causing her departure, and devastating because Diana was so central to the Citizen’s management and administration, a job she took on intelligently, professionally, and with energy and dedication.


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Max Yeh
Max Yeh

Sierra County Public-Interest Journalism Project’s board president Max Yeh is a novelist and writes widely on language, interpretation, history, and culture. He has lived in Hillsboro, New Mexico, for more than 30 years after retiring from an academic career in literature, art history and critical theory.

Posts: 61


  1. Many, many thanks to Diana for her reporting and for guiding Public-Interest Journalism in Sierra County.
    It’s disappointing that more left-leaning Dona Ana County can’t produce something equally effective. It’s tradition print-news outlets, Sun-News and Bulletin, have little investigative reporting capability.

  2. Diana, Thank you for everything you have done for so many years and in such a professional and interesting way. Much good luck to you and dealing with your family health issues. I will be thinking of you and wishing you well.

  3. Ah, Diana, thanks for your years of service to our community, even after moving. I am saddened to read your departure is for family health reasons. Hope it goes well for you all.

  4. Best wishes for you and family. You will be in our prayers. I enjoyed the too short time knowing you.

  5. It takes a very special kind of person to do the work which Diana has done–someone with integrity, intelligence, courage, and determination. Her community will be the lesser without her contribution to an informed citizenry. Her work will be missed.

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