Read ballot language carefully before you vote “for” or “against” the $4.5-million bond issue

Ballots will be mailed out this week to Truth or Consequences registered voters.

The people pushed the $4.5-million bond issue to a special election, which was passed by the city commission via local law—ordinance 756.

There is a lot of disconnect between what city commissioners and Chief of Police Luis Tavizon have said and what the ordinance/ballot language says.

They said the old armory will be renovated as a police building for $4.5 million, the bond debt to be paid by the .25 percent “public safety” gross receipts tax.

Ordinance 756 does a lot more than that.  Ordinance/ballot language rules, not words or promises made by city leaders.

Quoting the ballot language, it says the bonds will be used to:

“1. Acquire, Construct, Furnish, Equip, Beautify and improve a public safety building for the benefit of the city and its residents.”

Notice that the armory building is not specified. Notice that police station is not specified. This vague language allowed Mayor Rolf Hechler, at the February 7 meeting, to suddenly pivot away from the idea of renovating the old armory building to building a combination recreation center and police building on city golf course property. The city commission can again switch horses mid-stream given the broad language of the ordinance.

“2. To refinance, pay and discharge certain of the City’s Outstanding loan agreement with the New Mexico Finance Authority.”

Whoa. The bond money can be used to pay off or consolidate or refinance any existing debt the city has with the New Mexico Finance Authority. The city has a lot of debt with NMFA.

According to the city’s most recent yearly audit report( see link below this paragraph), fiscal year 2022, (the city is late in turning in its FY2023 audit, which was due Dec. 15,2023), on pages 44 through 49, the city owes the New Mexico Finance Authority over $3 million for “governmental activities” and nearly $5 million for “business-like activities.”

“3. Pay costs of issuance of the Series 2023 Bonds; Providing that the series 2023 Bonds will be payable and collectible from and secured by a pledge of the gross receipts tax distributed to the city. . .

Holy smokes. In previous articles I said this ordinance would not only tap the .25 percent “public safety” GRT, but the city’s total local GRT, which is a bit more than 1.8 percent. I would like to correct myself. It taps not just the city’s local GRT, but also the “state shared” GRT, which is 1.22 percent.

Don’t fall for the slogan being given out by city commissioners and the Sentinel to “support our police.” I support the police, but not at the expense of the people.

The people have been paying through the nose to address the water and wastewater crises caused by 60 years of city commissioners’ neglect and poor management. The people’s property taxes more than doubled to float a $3-million general obligation bond debt for water, wastewater and road projects. The city has increased water rates over 80 percent in four years and is tied to the consumer price index. Wastewater rates go up 5 percent a year, compounding on the prior year’s increase, making rates increase about 30 percent in five years.

And there is no relief in sight. The city flubbed a disaster declaration, the New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management turning down a request for money, pointing out the water disaster was due to long-term neglect and state and federal loans and grants had already been given to the city for those problems. The city commission asked the legislature this year for $20 million and $16 million in emergency funding for water repairs, but a fundamental requirement is turning in one’s yearly audit. The city hasn’t done that. More bad fiscal oversight. Mayor Rolf Hechler told state legislators that water and wastewater rates will go up again if the city doesn’t get state and federal grant money this year. Beyond their already scheduled increases!

Despite the utility-rate and property-tax increases, the water and wastewater departments are still spending more than they are taking in, according to an income report in the city commission Nov. 15, 2023 packet.

The city’s local and state GRT should be going to supporting the people by paying for water and wastewater projects in order to alleviate their sky-rocketing utility rates.


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Kathleen Sloan
Kathleen Sloan

Kathleen Sloan has been a local-government reporter for 17 years, covering counties and cities in three states—New Mexico, Iowa and Florida. She has also covered the arts for various publications in Virginia, New Mexico and Iowa. Sloan worked for the Truth or Consequences Herald newspaper from 2006 to 2013; it closed December 2019. She returned to T or C in 2019 and founded the online newspaper, the Sierra County Sun, with Diana Tittle taking the helm as editor during the last year and a half of operation. The Sun closed December 2021, concurrent with Sloan retiring. is still an open website, with hundreds of past articles still available. Sloan is now a board member of the not-for-profit organization, the Sierra County Public-Interest Journalism Project, which supported the Sun and is currently sponsoring the Sierra County Citizen, another free and open website. Sloan is volunteering as a citizen journalist, covering the T or C beat. She can be reached at or 575-297-4146.

Posts: 133


  1. Excellent summation of how the City Commission is attemping to open the door to more looting of the government coffers.Not mention the thousands paid to write the ordinance.Maybe after the City declares bankruptcy will folks start taking responsibility for putting these ‘know nothing’ idiots into office.

  2. My father used to say, “People vote in the government they deserve.”
    Don’t like what’s going on?
    Then run for office!
    Vote early and vote often!

  3. EGREGIOUS GOVERNMENT Aspires toward Fascism

    Senator Crystal Diamond (now Brantley), a Republican and non-City resident, aggressively lead a dog and pony show for the City of Truth or Consequences last night (March 12th). In her drum beat of questions directed solely to the County Clerk and four City representatives mouthing the same rhetoric, she never once turned to look at the modest audience gathered in the Commission Chambers. Billed as a Public Town Hall, the 45 minute session was nothing but a shill for Ordinance 756. All of of this in direct violation of State laws. The session had ZERO Public involvement. Only a handful of prearranged questions from citizens were asked and solely to the four City representatives. Challenged before the meeting began about his role Mayor Hechler, quipped he had consulted two lawyers, and he would not expressed his opinion. That is all he did. He had the gaul to laud the City’s fiscal health as good. Just wait. If the City is allowed to seek this Public Bond, they first need a rating. It will not be in the white shaded section of this chart*. Interest on this will be above 5%. Mr. Valenzuela claimed it would be below that. The reality is, he does not know. Why if the meeting was a Public Town Hall were they all sitting behind the dais apart from the public. Response, they needed to use the microphones because it was to be broadcast over the radio. The podium where the public usually speaks was turned around and that mic had no cord connecting to any feed. The set up from the get-go was not to include any voices from the public.
    By sessions end a parade of the police force had wandered in—some in plain clothes, most in uniform. So, of the over all attendance of 24 people, fourteen were on the City payroll or had City contracts. Despite several hands raised the state senator abruptly closed the meeting. I queried her why she had not taken any questions from the audience. She turned to me and said holding her papers that she “had six pages of questions”. I leaned down to view her papers at which point I was grabbed by the shoulder by officer Vega. Burly and far bigger than I, he shoved me out of the Chambers, stating I was “in her face”. Chief Tavizon had said during the session how his officers worked well and were engaged with the public. I beg to differ. The City and its minions are in fear that another voice might break through and they are elevating their police force to make sure that does not happen. Fascism is creeping into No Truth, Just Consequences.

    Ariel Dougherty
    Concerned Activist Versus Egregious Government


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