Sierra County voters turned down the first attempt to grant Sierra Vista Hospital its own taxing authority. Hospital leaders have now made public their intention to try for passage again. Photograph by H+M Design Group
Diana Tittle, a member of the board of Sierra County Public-Interest Journalism Project, was the editor of the Sierra County Sun, the Citizen's precursor. A former resident of Truth or Consequences who now lives part-time in northern New Mexico, she spent her 42-year professional career in Cleveland, Ohio, where she worked as a newspaper reporter, magazine writer and editor, book author and publisher and publishing consultant. She is the recipient of a Cleveland Arts Prize for Literature.
I am amazed. I did not think the Sentinel would print the story.
I would also say that if the Forristers have so much experience with dogs/hounds they should know better than to neglect and abuse them. And the excuse for no licenses or vaccinations?
The Sentinel printed a very nice picture of the kennels not like photos of the overly thin dog or the slimy green water displayed in the Citizen.
I am planning to attend court on Jan 10
That’s why i Posted this story under Facebook,Since the Town Thinks everyone has social media like Facebook .There’s a lot going on that F.Luna does not put in her news paper,It’s more of the school and sports i see than actually ( what is really going on in the town) People do need to know or aware of what is really going on..
Like also how the Citizen talked about the Census,This one caught my attention again ,Why would F.Luna not add this to the Sentinel ..We Do Not Have 11k of people in town anymore,So why even lie stating we do..Oh that’s right ,everyone in town is counted as $$$ signs ,so more people more money on all the grants the city can take..Less people you don’t get all these why hasn’t Luna put that in her paper what is she hiding?
This is the kind of non-response/response that is only utilized by the most sophisticated bull sh….ters!
She (F. Luna) managed to mention the lack of a warrant, even though the storage area was evidently (correct me if I’m wrong) open to the public, the dissolution of the Magistrate Court, as though that might somehow preclude any additional proceedings in this case, and the years of experience with dogs the individuals cited allegedly had. All this without a quote from the accused or their attorney supporting any of Luna’s assertions or any mention of the DISGRACEFUL condition, supported by photos and the statement of the animal control officer, of at least a few of the animals.
I have read both your article and the Sentinel. I think the attacking nature of the Sentinel article is disturbing. The defensive nature of the Sentinel article speaks for itself. These people put themselves above all and to blame city/county staff is disgusting. This is what drives good workers away. The good old boy system is alive in Sierra County.
I am amazed. I did not think the Sentinel would print the story.
I would also say that if the Forristers have so much experience with dogs/hounds they should know better than to neglect and abuse them. And the excuse for no licenses or vaccinations?
The Sentinel printed a very nice picture of the kennels not like photos of the overly thin dog or the slimy green water displayed in the Citizen.
I am planning to attend court on Jan 10
That’s why i Posted this story under Facebook,Since the Town Thinks everyone has social media like Facebook .There’s a lot going on that F.Luna does not put in her news paper,It’s more of the school and sports i see than actually ( what is really going on in the town) People do need to know or aware of what is really going on..
Like also how the Citizen talked about the Census,This one caught my attention again ,Why would F.Luna not add this to the Sentinel ..We Do Not Have 11k of people in town anymore,So why even lie stating we do..Oh that’s right ,everyone in town is counted as $$$ signs ,so more people more money on all the grants the city can take..Less people you don’t get all these why hasn’t Luna put that in her paper what is she hiding?
This is the kind of non-response/response that is only utilized by the most sophisticated bull sh….ters!
She (F. Luna) managed to mention the lack of a warrant, even though the storage area was evidently (correct me if I’m wrong) open to the public, the dissolution of the Magistrate Court, as though that might somehow preclude any additional proceedings in this case, and the years of experience with dogs the individuals cited allegedly had. All this without a quote from the accused or their attorney supporting any of Luna’s assertions or any mention of the DISGRACEFUL condition, supported by photos and the statement of the animal control officer, of at least a few of the animals.
I have read both your article and the Sentinel. I think the attacking nature of the Sentinel article is disturbing. The defensive nature of the Sentinel article speaks for itself. These people put themselves above all and to blame city/county staff is disgusting. This is what drives good workers away. The good old boy system is alive in Sierra County.