To launch the September Art Hop in Truth or Consequences be sure to make your first stop Lunaticus Galerie at 424 North Broadway in downtown TorC. Treat yourself to a display of approximately 38 pieces of artwork from the collection of Hillsboro artist Nolan Winkler and her late husband RW Winkler.

At 5:30 pm on saturday Nolan will be giving a talk detailing the works on display. While the Winklers spent any ‘extra’ funds they had on art, Nolan has now downsized and hopes to avoid placing this artwork in storage.

This show will allow you to view a variety of items from the Winkler Collection from sculpture and drawings to wall sculpture and paintings. With less wall space since her move 3 years ago, the items in this exhibit will be for sale — and at very reasonable prices. She believes all art is best appreciated when it can be seen and this selection is no exception.

Join Nolan for this special event to get a first-hand walk-through and background on each piece. The opening reception runs from 5 to 9 pm Saturday September 9th, then the collection will be available to view only on Saturdays and Sundays thereafter.

You can contact the gallery for more information at or call 206-669-0168
thanks so much for this, Mr. Johanek. I do hope to see LOTS of locals and visitors at the opening reception of this eclectic collection.