Yard Sales in Kingston this Saturday

This Saturday the 7th of Septembre from 10am til 2pm


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Véronique De Jaegher
Véronique De Jaegher

Born and raised in Brussels, Belgium, I lived 20 years in the San Francisco Bay Area and have been living in Sierra County, NM for the last 20 years. I have been taking photographs for 40 years as a way of sharing my point of view. Beauty surrounds us, we just need to pay attention. I believe in the power of images as they say “One Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”. ”Local” is very important because we can engage in a more personnel way whether reading the news or buying food. That’s why I was sorry to see the Sierra County Sun go and want to support the Sierra County Citizen by being on the board of the Sierra County Public-Interest Journalism Project and posting local images.

Posts: 37

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