Lichen are thriving with all the moisture we have been blessed with.
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Lichen are thriving with all the moisture we have been blessed with.
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I agreed to this jaunt simply because of her enthusiasm, but my budding interest turned to panic when she told me to meet her at 5 a.m.
Happy New Year!
I love to hike up through open landscape. The reward...fantastic views...
Very cold mornings (10ºF) will produce ice crystals. Once the sun hits it they all disappear into thin air. If you are a fan of ice formations check out the latest posting on
Go to chapter " ICE"
We stopped by Bosque at the end of the day hoping to see birds and wildlife but all we saw was human birds armed with cameras with impressive lenses.
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Sure feels like winter in this late autumn. The low sun shines a soft golden light that gives a dreamy tone to the landscape. More like a glow.
Sierra County’s best kept secret is Damsite Historic District, which is undergoing restoration and worth a visit any time of year.
A lovely storm moved thru the southwest and brought us .76' of rain. The next morning the landscape was lost in the fog. Very unusual for New Mexico...
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I have never been a fan of Thanksgiving feasts. I did not grow up with it.
I like to give thanks by going for a hike and be immersed in Nature rain or shine....or snow!
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After spending 4 weeks in busy and noisy Belgium, it felt so good to be home and enjoy the beauty and quiet surrounding us.
This is why I live here!
So grateful...
Thanks to the unusual 23+ inches of rain so far this year, all grasses are tall and abundant.
Beware, none of their names are their scientific names. Just my visual artist fantasy.