Our own legacy


When that moment comes,

and I draw my last breath,

What will be my last thoughts?


Will I be content

With the life I’ve led

And just go quietly into the night

With a contented sigh


Will I peruse the list

Of “need to do’s

And fret over unfinished tasks

Wishing for more time


Will I think of past lovers

And passionate times

Of making love in the rain

Or deep talks with friends

And shared laughter

Sips of fine, fine wine

Or an eyes closed savoring

Of a perfect meal


I know I’ll miss

The companionship

Of a loving pup

By my side

The bond of unconditional love

Snuggled close

For one last moment


The flickering flames

Of a morning fire

The nearby hoot of a Great Horned Owl

Sipping coffee

And laughing at the world

With my sleepy eyed partner


Will I ponder on distant vistas

Mountain splendor or vast seas

Of Mayan ruins and caverns

The Best of Moments

As my life reels off

Before my inner eye


I wonder what will be remembered

What stories will people tell

If at all

Does it matter?

Will I be remembered for my kindness

Thoughtfulness and caring

Or cursed for my failings in their eyes

For moments or days or for years


Did I change lives

In some meaningful way

Will I flash on regrets

People I have wronged and never righted

Love never expressed

Desires never fulfilled

Unfinished business


Will my words be remembered

Or left dusty and unsung

Will my creative moments be cherished

Or boxed to adorn a curb

Waiting impatiently for pickup


I won’t know

Until I do


So as my morning coffee is a memory

And the fire becomes embers

And soon, like me, be cold and still

I think of my Legacy

Of what I’ll leave behind


And that gives me a youthful push

To polish and clean and be kind

To leave memories that create smiles, not scowls

To leave having helped

In some meaningful way

Knowing unsung actions

Are undercurrents in life

The carriers of other deeds


I’ve tried to live with purpose

Not just meandering here and there

Dabbling in life leaving unwanted splatters

But I wonder if it matters at all

And I wonder what lays ahead

Another journey on an unknown road

I’ll try not to fret over didn’t do’s

And just leave with a contented sigh


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Steve Morgan
Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan is a retired landscape architect who spent most of his 35 year career in Arizona and New Mexico. His current career is giving Chautauquas or Living History performances, as Aldo Leopold. He happily calls Kingston, New Mexico his home now, nestled in the Black Range Mountains only 3 miles from the Aldo Leopold Wilderness. His writings are strongly shaped by Aldo Leopold’s love of the wild lands, with respect and compassion for the land – the soils, waters, plants and animals. Steve’s compassion for nature is evident by his strong, driving desire to open people’s eyes to the marvel and joy of experiencing the natural world.

Posts: 41


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