Political considerations, 7.18.24

An update on the campaign war chests that have been amassed by New Mexico's Democratic incumbent for the U.S. Senate and for the 2nd Congressional District vs. those of their Republican opponents
An update on the campaign war chests that have been amassed by New Mexico's Democratic incumbent for the U.S. Senate and for the 2nd Congressional District vs. those of their Republican opponents
Las Cruces's Memorial Medical Center is under investigation for possible consumer protection violations.
The Hillsboro Community Center will be hosting The Rifters this Saturday -- July 20th -- as part of their Summer Concert Series.
Gabe Vasquez, who represents Sierra County in the U.S. House, joins a bipartisan effort to appropriate more resources for fentanyl intradiction at the border.
The people have pushed this issue to referendum twice, about five years ago and again March 19. Why bother doing it again when the T or C City Commission turns around and does it again, ignoring the people's will and election results?
Republican congresspeople just passed a bill requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections. All three New Mexico representatives voted nay, with Sierra County's Democratic Congressman Gabe Vasquez calling the requirement "unnecessary and discriminatory." It is already illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections.
Organizations concerned with the civil rights of vulnerable New Mexicans have asked Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham to halt next week's special legislative session called to address public safety. Why is she resisting the request?
Could the Sierra County Commission be pushing for a second flood-control taxing district because Jones stopped them from using the current pot of flood-control tax money on road equipment and employee salaries and benefits? So we might have to pay two sets of taxes for flood control?
Experts weigh in on the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that overturned the Texas-New Mexico settlement of the two states' longstanding Rio Grande water dispute.
Let's examine the Sierra County Commission's supposed reasons for wanting a flood district in addition to having a flood commissioner. It doesn't add up, it doesn't ring true, it doesn't pass the smell test.
The Biden administration has proposed new workplace regulations to protect outdoor employees from heat exhaustion.
Early monsoon rains in New Mexico may have little positive effect on wildfire risk, which is predicted to be elevated again in late summer and early fall.