Question of whether to form a flood control taxing district will be on Nov. ballot—along with candidates for board of directors

Money flowing like water in a canyon during a flood; image courtesy of Freepik

This idea of a flood control district is being rushed through with no public discussion by the Sierra County Commission. Will you vote for it in November? And who's running to be a flood-control director? Favorites with county commissioners? Who else would know to run?

Read MoreQuestion of whether to form a flood control taxing district will be on Nov. ballot—along with candidates for board of directors

Sierra Vista Hospital out of compliance with loan—again

John Arthur Smith worked to get what was supposed to be a $30-million new wing down from $40 million and then $35 million and finally $30 million.

Oh for reality-based leadership instead of hunkydoryism. Elected officials bought too much new hospital, evidently expecting more people would move here and pay more in property taxes and gross receipts taxes--the revenue sources expected to pay off the loan. It wasn't enough then and it isn't enough now.

Read MoreSierra Vista Hospital out of compliance with loan—again