Safety glass

We gaze through windows
Windows to reality
But we gaze from safety
And make decisions
Affecting life beyond the glass pale

You don’t KNOW the water is cold
Until you dip a bare big toe in and exclaim

You don’t KNOW the pavement is hot until you barefoot out and finish dancing in agony to others amusement

One must experience life to lessen the guessing game
Step outside the window and look at the puzzle called a new day

Gaze from differing viewpoints  as illumination varies from perch to perch

Complete your journeys.

When you get off the train 12 stops before the end,

What experiences did you miss?

Dance in the rain
Embrace snowflakes on your nose
Feel deeply the caress of a warm wind
Exhale the breeze carried scents and puzzle on their origin
Engage as an audience to a symphony of bird babble

Take a deep breath and leave the safety of your window on the world
Venture into the currents of life
Then the journey can continue on
And smile in contentment and joy

Oh and wash your window now and then




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Steve Morgan
Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan is a retired landscape architect who spent most of his 35 year career in Arizona and New Mexico. His current career is giving Chautauquas or Living History performances, as Aldo Leopold. He happily calls Kingston, New Mexico his home now, nestled in the Black Range Mountains only 3 miles from the Aldo Leopold Wilderness. His writings are strongly shaped by Aldo Leopold’s love of the wild lands, with respect and compassion for the land – the soils, waters, plants and animals. Steve’s compassion for nature is evident by his strong, driving desire to open people’s eyes to the marvel and joy of experiencing the natural world.

Posts: 42


  1. thank you for this poem.

    We all do a dance, when our barefeet hit the cold ground, the frozen ground, the chilly snowy icy cold ground. when our feet hit it we do a dance.

    Same with hot ground. we do a dance, barefoot in it, associated with that reality. we dance.

    thank you for this poem.

  2. Love it Steve! Wash your windows indeed. I can imagine a little kid (or kid at heart) nose pressed to the glass, waiting to touch what is on the other side.

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