Stuff you need to know, 12.1.22

“NASA Cancels Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Satellite Due to Cost”
by Seth Borenstein, Associated Press, posted in The Paper
November 30, 2022

Before its demise, the program had identified 50 methane-emitting hotspots around the world, including one near Carlsbad, N.M., as reported in this column on October 28.

Click on the above link to read this free-access article.

“Officials fear ‘complete doomsday scenario’ for drought-stricken Colorado River”
by Joshua Partlow, The Washington Post
December 1, 2022

Because neither the 10 states including New Mexico dependent on Colorado River water nor the U.S. Department of the Interior can agree on conservation measures, the water level of Lake Powell could drop as early as next summer below the point needed to produce electricity for three million customers in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming and Utah.

Click on the above link to read this gift article.


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Diana Tittle
Diana Tittle

Diana Tittle, a member of the board of Sierra County Public-Interest Journalism Project, was the editor of the Sierra County Sun, the Citizen's precursor. A former resident of Truth or Consequences who now lives part-time in northern New Mexico, she spent her 42-year professional career in Cleveland, Ohio, where she worked as a newspaper reporter, magazine writer and editor, book author and publisher and publishing consultant. She is the recipient of a Cleveland Arts Prize for Literature.

Posts: 332


  1. Regarding the draining of the Colorado river: I’m sorry, folks, but you were warned. The “discussion” over whether the planet was warming and what was causing it has gone on for a generation, at least. Well, folks, here we are – “Truth point” – the Colorado River is almost empty; sorry, but we’re gonna have to turn off your faucets and electricity. Sorry, but, seriously, the COLORADO RIVER IS EMPTY!!!!!!! It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor or white or green, THE COLORADO RIVER IS EMPTY!!! There is no more water to drink or make your electricity. We told you the planet was warming up but you said, “well, look at huge snow storms”, what about ‘this’, what about ‘that’. Regardless, THE COLORADO RIVER IS EMPTY’. Rivers are caused when rain falls, when snow falls. You can’t suck up more than what falls down and not much has fallen down over the past many decades because, well, the climate has changed; we’re pumping too much CO2 and methane -not to mention a lot of other crap – into the atmosphere. The place gets too hot and dries up. Maybe it’s not too late; maybe it is. But it appears that if we do nothing, it IS TOO LATE, We can look at the Colorado River as the “canary in the coal mine”. If it dies; so do we! ‘Nuff said.

  2. The lack of planning and competence is astonishing. The pictures of the golf course–insistence a fake man-made fantasy landscape be maintained with precious water– sort of says it all. The local parallels: Elephant Butte Lake emptying out with only a few muffled complaints with nothing done; the City of T or C’s water and sewer systems leaking millions and millions of gallons in the desert while the public silently pays higher and higher utility bills and votes to double their property taxes without questioning where the money goes or where the money went historically. No course correction required. Blind faith. It’s not, I think, a silent acceptance of impending disaster. It’s an irrational, silent acceptance that everything is OK.

  3. I always said the spending .the money is going and going..
    The biggest factor is the lying of the Census.. everyone is counted as dollar signs in town and what not ..but ironic here they say we have all these people that are in town living. But oddly half of T or C is up for where are all these people at. And when you lie about the census..they will make you pay it all back.

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