The elephant in the room

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room — the Republican party logo. It’s no longer fitting. For many the elephant represents a strong memory. But Republicans have forgotten you once embraced constitutional protection, Christian values, and respect for law and order. So it’s time for a logo makeover. But, don’t worry, I’m here to help. RNC honchos, feel free to adopt one of these.

— Rather than address the real problems we face like climate change, mass shootings, and eradicating a pandemic, Republicans ignore those, choosing instead to endlessly waste our time on refuted voter fraud and Biden’s occasional gaffes. While we have rising sea levels and unprecedented forest fires and vanishing glaciers, you (still) rage about Hillary’s emails and Hunter Biden’s laptop. All, of course, while defending Trump’s stockpile of stolen top-secret documents. In Republican eyes, climate change is a hoax, the pandemic is a conspiracy, and Trump’s misdeeds are a deep state plot. But then again, look where your head is. (I know, I could have gone in another direction with this logo.)

PINOCCHIO — If you support a leader who lies (a lot), you’re a party that’s lost grasp of honesty. When your primary source of information isn’t straight with the facts, you make poor decisions based on it. Not everything you hear is the truth. And be honest, you’re not sure if I’m referring to your newscast of choice or the figurehead of your party, are you? Alternative logo:

PANTS ON FIRE— if you feel Pinocchio tends to single out one individual too much and you want the logo to represent the entire party, perhaps this option would work better.

ANGRY GUY — I’m picturing small minds in big trucks, dressed in red, white and blue, sporting a bald-eagle tattoo while eating apple pie just to prove you’re more patriotic than me (a combat veteran). You then become enraged that some Americans still don’t seem to see how great you are . . . enraged that your guy’s reelection was obviously stolen . . . enraged that nobody else believes the conspiracy theories. So you turn up your radio, cruise through town with the biggest flag you can find, spew as much black smoke as possible, and do whatever you can to piss off anyone who doesn’t believe you’re the biggest patriot ever. You’re loud and angry, so you must be a patriot — just ask anybody in the J6 attack on the capitol.

TORN CONSTITUTION — Trump’s disregard for the Constitution was official the moment he took the oath of office while retaining ownership of his businesses. He proceeded to continually ignore it throughout his term in countless ways, from pressuring foreign leaders for his own political gain (remember Zelensky?) to using his position to promote his enterprises at presidential events and global gatherings. Now he claims his reelection was stolen and he spearheaded an insurrection — Constitution be damned. He has violated constitutional protocol in more ways than all the presidents before him combined. And you have done nothing to discourage him.

“ANT” / “I” — Anti everything: Anti science, anti law enforcement, anti education, anti abortion, anti vax, anti government aid to the poor, anti union, anti mask, anti LGBTQ, anti global warming, anti immigration, anti national healthcare, anti critical race theory, anti gun legislation, anti day care assistance, anti evolution, anti FBI, anti military, anti expanding aid to vets, anti voter rights, anti closing tax loopholes for the rich, anti Social Security, anti facts and logic. You get the idea.

HIPPOPOTAMUS — The hippo perfectly symbolizes the hypocrisy throughout the party, like criticizing Biden’s student loan forgiveness while personally accepting government bailouts — whether it be federaly issued relief checks during Covid, farm or ranch subsidies, or filing for bankruptcy to cancel debt (Trump filed five times). Don’t all politicians get free, government-paid healthcare? Gasp — how Socialist! How about clamoring for Obama’s birth certificate but not Trump’s tax returns. You pray for victims of mass shootings but turn your Christian eyes from refugee children caged and separated from their parents at the border. I could go on.

RAISED MIDDLE FINGER — No, it doesn’t mean “We’re number one!” In fact, please stop chanting that right now. America is far from the leader in countless categories: Education (27th), Life Expectancy (42nd), Healthcare (worst among the developed nations). But we are first when it comes to child deaths from firearms. Rather, the middle finger perfectly depicts your policy on climate change, your attitude toward veterans (like president-bone-spurs’ despicable treatment of war hero John McCain, or his request to keep disabled veterans out of his parade because ‘they look like losers’), the disregard for women now forced into unwanted pregnancies, or the general belief that America’s woes are all due to someone else.

Yes, more than anything I think the raised middle finger best reflects what today’s Republican party has become — indignant, inconsiderate and boorish. But these are just my suggestions for a new Republican party logo. There are plenty of other symbols just as reflective of what it now represents ie: lemmings running off a cliff, a bible full of bullet holes, a pied piper leading a pack of rats — there’s so much to choose from. But please, not an elephant. It’s noble, respected and honorable. It’s so not you.

Written and illustrated by John Ofalltrades


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John Ofalltrades
John Ofalltrades

John Ofalltrades is the former editorial cartoonist for the Sierra County Sun. A respected area artist, John (who prefers a pseudonym to retain his anonymity) wants to continue his cartooning endeavors and share his perspectives with the Sierra County Citizen readers. All opinions expressed are his alone.

Posts: 13


  1. I’m a 71 year-old registered Independent who thinks Mr. Ofalltrades has it mostly right in his piece, “The elephant in the room.” I do question his reference to something called a “Republican” party. I see only a Trump Party (TP) and everything he says about the TP is undeniably true.

    I agree that the TP needs a logo: but ALL the images Mr. Ofalltrades presents are right on the money for today’s TP. Better all the logos be made into merit badges that members of the TFG sect pin to their hats. The Mad Hatter Party? Wrapped up in TP like mummies with only their festooned little caps sticking out?

  2. I appreciate some of the articles in your “paper” but these “cartoons” fail to provide anything but a window into the writer’s lack of objectivity. I’ve commented on it before. I do recognize that his cartoons show pretty much exactly what the democrats are up to, all you have to do is change the names. They do follow a pattern. Reminds me of Biden stating during the 2020 campaign that Trump should come out of his bunker and debate Biden. Everyone, except someone living under a rock or a democrat, knew perfectly well it was Biden hiding to avoid coming out and saying something stupid. Now you’re using the same tactic. Worked for him, guess it might work for you.

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