Debora Nicoll

Debora Nicoll

Debora Nicoll, a member of the board of the Sierra County Public-Interest Journalism Project, will cover the Sierra County Commission for the Citizen, as she did for the Sierra County Sun, capitalizing on her past regular attendance at its monthly meetings as a concerned citizen and champion of responsive government. Nicoll was born and raised in the midwest but is a southwesterner by choice, calling Sierra County home since 2010, when she retired from a 22-year career as a research scientist.

Sierra county commission special meeting 10/25/22: highlights

The meeting focused on flood issues, flood commissioner Jones’ report on work and strategies, and emergency administrator Williams’ effort to help property owners find flood assistance. The board also approved an “Opioid Remediation Collaborative” with six other counties and an appropriation to the Sheriff’s office for officer retention.

County Flood Control

New Mexico statutes outline the roles of the county board of commission, flood commissioner and emergency flood superintendents in planning for and dealing with floods in counties. NMSA 1978 chapter 4 on counties, article 50 on flood control is analyzed and discussed. Updated 10/27/22

Sierra county commission meeting 10/17/22: highlights

Issues from flooding and requests for assistance by residents dominated public comment, while emergency services administrator Williams and road director Neeley updated the county’s efforts. Accepting an appropriation for law enforcement was tabled for additional information. Lease agreement for extension office approved after removal of “offensive language” from the contract.

How wolf depredation is determined

An ongoing issue in Sierra county has been the presence of introduced Mexican wolves. John Grant, the state’s director of inspection services, explained how his agency determines if a depredation is due to wolves. Six depredations (5 dead, 1 injured) have been confirmed in the county so far this year.