Stargazers are invited to join the party for "Constellations of Ancient Cultures" with John T. Stocke on Saturday May 30 in Kingston at the Black Range Lodge.
Announcing the launch of the New Mexico Indivisible Young Artists Fellowship which will culminate in TorC in October of this year. Seeking New Mexico artists ages 18 to 30 years old.
April 29th is Arbor Day and a group of citizens assembled in a lot on Broadway to plant a tree. To them, it was more than just a celebration of Arbor Day.
The 2nd annual Sierra County Student Art Show this past weekend was a huge success. The following report from the organizers provides the details.
This weekend showcased Truth or Consequences at its artistic and cultural best with a full slate of programs and activities.
With water levels on the rise, it’s time for Damsite Marina at Elephant Butte Lake to be relocated.
The circus will offer two performances -- one evening show on Saturday April 22 and a matinee on Sunday April 23.
This Saturday join in an Earth Day potluck celebration at Ingo's Art Cafe on Broadway in TorC.
The Sierra County Arts Council first published the Sierra County Artists Directory in 2003. In 20 years it’s grown from a 32-page booklet to this year’s hefty 132-page book.
The second annual Student Art Show featuring the artwork of area middle and high school students is now a 2-day event with judging, awards, and display.
Sierra County is home to a wide variety of talented artists. Videos of these artists document their vivid imaginations and skills. Now you can view them at your convenience on YouTube.
The Sierra County Arts Council will host the unveiling party for “A Birdie Affair” on Saturday, April 22, at 6:30 p.m. at Rio Bravo Fine Art Gallery.