Diana Tittle

Diana Tittle

Diana Tittle, a member of the board of Sierra County Public-Interest Journalism Project, was the editor of the Sierra County Sun, the Citizen's precursor. A former resident of Truth or Consequences who now lives part-time in northern New Mexico, she spent her 42-year professional career in Cleveland, Ohio, where she worked as a newspaper reporter, magazine writer and editor, book author and publisher and publishing consultant. She is the recipient of a Cleveland Arts Prize for Literature.

Stuff you need to know, 2.12.24

Today's intelligence from state and/or national reporting: for those who want "in the weeds" details about bills and issues under consideration by the New Mexico Legislature. Part 8 of this series lays out the ongoing debate among legislators about the kind of alcohol taxes needed to reduce consumption in a state with worst-in-the-nation rates of alcohol-related deaths.

Stuff you need to know, 2.5.24

Today's intelligence from state and/or national reporting: for those who want "in the weeds" details about bills and issues under consideration by the New Mexico Legislature. Part 6 of this series reports on proposals to lengthen legislative sessions.