City manager job will probably go to a local
We so need to correct bad practices that got us into the current utility crises. I say an outsider, with utility management and city planning experience, is the best choice, not more of the same.
We so need to correct bad practices that got us into the current utility crises. I say an outsider, with utility management and city planning experience, is the best choice, not more of the same.
In the past year, the Federal Trade Commission has been studying how drug pricing works. In July, it published an interim staff report on the role of pharmacy benefit managers. Last week the FTC published a second report on how the biggest three PBMs control prices.
A house divided cannot stand, and the Regional Spaceport District board is divided between build-it-and-they-will-come believers and show-me-your-business-plan realists.
Two and a half years ago Robbie Montgomery was hit by a car being chased by a T or C police officer near Bullocks grocery store.The city will pay her $87,000 in damages.
Doctors are leaving New Mexico. Hospitals essential to small, rural counties (and that is most of them in the state, including Sierra County), find it difficult to stay in the black. The Searchlight New Mexico reporter Ed Williams thinks the cause is malpractice insurance. His analysis has started a controversy.
The city hands out variances like candy, regularly punching holes in the zoning code.
The people are bound to be confused by the March 4 special election. That may be the point. Low-information voters may pass higher tax and debt measures without knowing it.
Five "directors" will be appointed to run the new flood-control taxing district that was approved by Sierra Countians Nov. 5. These volunteer directors will serve about a year, until the electorate can choose their representatives during local elections, November 2025.
The uses of the spaceport gross receipts tax keeps growing and expanding, as does the spaceport's need for it. Will local taxes forever subsidize the spaceport? Dona Ana County's especially?
If the city commission doesn't sharply define city problems, it can't seek or hire a city manager with the needed qualities to address them.
You'll have a little more cash for stocking stuffers after paying taxes this year, unless your property is in T or C.
ProPublica investigates more health care problems. It details how UnitedHealth uses its statistical data to find mental health patients to deny payment for care, sometimes forcing therapists and doctors to withdraw care. It’s all part of “saving money,” “efficiency,” responsible sounding terms in corporate PR speak for "profit" and "greed."