

A bit stiff was Maurice

From standing still a way too long

Most thought him quiet

With a stony stare

But they had him figured wrong


Shy was he around all others

Never uttered a single phrase

But the cows will tell you

He comes alive

When the sun sets ending day


First a chuckle

A rumble or two

Then his eye would open slowly

His lips would part

And his song begin

With a bass voice oh so lowly


He sang of tales the land had seen

Of floods and snow and fire

And of a love who’d crumbled away

The one he still desired


She left him there alone to stand

Her memories scattered round

He sang his songs

As rumbles echoed

And the stars above shone down


Oh, the winds may blow

And the coyotes howl

The moon will wax and wane

But through it all

Maurice stands still

Sunrise is his bane


So, look inside your own facade

What hidden being hides

Waiting for the moment right

To dance and sing outside



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Steve Morgan
Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan is a retired landscape architect who spent most of his 35 year career in Arizona and New Mexico. His current career is giving Chautauquas or Living History performances, as Aldo Leopold. He happily calls Kingston, New Mexico his home now, nestled in the Black Range Mountains only 3 miles from the Aldo Leopold Wilderness. His writings are strongly shaped by Aldo Leopold’s love of the wild lands, with respect and compassion for the land – the soils, waters, plants and animals. Steve’s compassion for nature is evident by his strong, driving desire to open people’s eyes to the marvel and joy of experiencing the natural world.

Posts: 42

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