Stuff you need to know, 2.10.23

Today's intelligence: heighten awareness and precautions after rabies incident in Sierra County
Today's intelligence: heighten awareness and precautions after rabies incident in Sierra County
I return to the idea of entropy, this time as a measure of the increasing randomness in the universe, and I relate this increase to our gradual loss of social cohesion under the influence of individualism, to the breakdown of language in our culture, and to our carelessness about Covid.
During cold weather I love to walk along creeks to catch images of the infinite variations of the way water freezes.
Click on the images to enlarge them.
Today's intelligence: the arguments for and against the proposed settlement of the years-long Texas-New Mexico water dispute; and the financial and technical woes of Virgin Orbit, Virgin Galactic's similarly troubled corporate sibling
I continue my look at the sources of our present cultural impasse by examining in detail the incompatibility between an egalitarian democracy and individualism by examining the notions of rights and choice and how non-democratic hierarchies promote individualism.
Today's intelligence: An historic investment in land and water conservation programs that would leverage hundreds of millions of dollars in federal money for New Mexico is under consideration at the Roundhouse.
Today's intelligence: How southern New Mexico Senators are trying to pry loose Black Fire recovery monies.
Today's intelligence: the progress of bills introduced in the New Mexico House to create a better-run and less politicized state Department of Game and Fish and to get tougher on crime
Today's intelligence: concrete measures that New Mexico can take to manage more efficiently, equitably and resiliently water resources that are expected to decline by 25 percent over the next 50 years
New Mexico in coordination with the US Geological Society look for "critical minerals" at Copper Flat Mine in an effort to expand mining.
General obligation bonds are backed by a governmental entity's ability to levy taxes, sometimes described as "the full faith and credit clause." Despite vague ballot language, voters passed the issuance of $3 million in bonds last November, demonstrating faith in T or C government. Will faith persist? Should it?
Today's intelligence: Faster, thus more transparent, reporting of campaign contributions proposed in New Mexico House Bill 103.