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John Johanek
John Johanek

John Johanek spent 40 years in publishing including four years as art director for Popular Mechanics in New York. He then founded his own design consulting firm with clients worldwide. His firm earned the highest awards in magazine design excellence. He’s written numerous articles on the fine points of magazine design in leading industry magazines and presented hundreds of design seminars and workshops for major trade conferences, publishing organizations and private publishers stateside and internationally. He and his wife Durrae have authored two books on Montana (his home state): Montana Behind the Scenes and Montana Folks. For the past several years John has pursued his passion for art and now he and Durrae operate Zia Gallery in Truth or Consequences to showcase their work. He is a member of the board of directors of the Sierra County Public-Interest Journalism Project.

Posts: 80

One comment

  1. THANKS, John, for clearing that up. I had a problem trying to get my neighbor signed up to receive your e-mail “content alerts” just this week! I guess I was expecting a link called “sign up for our emails.”

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