Stuff you need to know, 8.13.24

Our Trail is Not for Sale”

Facebook post by Jeannie Ortiz

August 13, 2024

Hey friends, this is really important.

The city is considering selling off the Healing Waters trail to a real estate developer. It is our ONLY developed trail we have that is accessible by walking from town.

We are trying to get this out to as many people as possible on short notice. We just found out about this as they’ve been trying to keep it secret and we need to take action immediately. please take a moment to answer this survey – please get as many people to answer as possible. This land needs to remain protected and open to the public.…/1FAIpQLSextBP2ynl2Sr…/viewform

We invite you to also come to the city council meeting tomorrow morning (Wednesday the 14) at 9am to show your support and make a statement about why it is important the trail is conserved. 405 West 3rd St in TorC is the address.

If you’re unable to attend the meeting, and even if you can attend the meeting, please send an email to the City Clerk – Angela Torres at a short letter voicing your thoughts and ask her to have this added to the public comments.


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Diana Tittle
Diana Tittle

Diana Tittle, a member of the board of Sierra County Public-Interest Journalism Project, was the editor of the Sierra County Sun, the Citizen's precursor. A former resident of Truth or Consequences who now lives part-time in northern New Mexico, she spent her 42-year professional career in Cleveland, Ohio, where she worked as a newspaper reporter, magazine writer and editor, book author and publisher and publishing consultant. She is the recipient of a Cleveland Arts Prize for Literature.

Posts: 332


  1. Perhaps there is a way access can be preserved while permitting development. Does anyone have a problem with planned development? Granted, there would be population growth, higher costs of housing and property tax, but with an educated work force, more businesses would come to Sierra County which would increase the tax base. Just think, we might an even greater variety of food!

  2. The City must follow NMSA 3-54-1 to sell or lease property.
    This entails, an independent appraisal to determine the value, followed by an Ordinance
    at which time Public Hearings must be held. We then have the opportunity to petition for a referendum
    and a special election on the issue, but beware the City is very sneaky as in the purchase of the PNC bank
    for the police. Our government must be held accountable to the people for their actions.
    Don’t sit back and wait till they take everything from you. Be active be courageous, be heard!

  3. I’m not sure that there’s any comparable land w/ public access (for hiking, etc.) that close to the river that gives a truly “wild” feel. UNLESS the city has plans to replace this w/ some comparable city access, seems to me it would be a mistake to sell it to ANY bidder, much less to somebody whose intent is simply “development”. I say this as a person who for 10+ years lived adjacent to that area and enjoyed trail riding, hiking, walking my dog(s) etc. on that land, LONG before it was developed into a formal trail. I tried to access the survey, but got “not found” no matter how I tried to click through to it. To say I’m disappointed in the city commission is an understatement.

  4. The overwhelming public condemnation of the proposal caused the Commission to back down and only accept the paid for survey from David Senn. No recommendation for further action is expected.
    It is wonderful to see so many stand up to the local government.

  5. To those in the community who don’t benefit from a development it is generally perceived as an unsightly construction project that does nothing but destroy local character and natural beauty. (Judy Collins said something about taking paradise and putting in a parking lot.) And if that is not the case it has another unfortunate side effects of creating a community that those who currently live in can no longer afford to do so.

    Note: I would have liked to have edited this a little more carefully but it is so difficult to do that with this software and my phone.

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