Photography classes at Dam Site

TorC photo expert Kenny Rogers will soon be offering a variety of photo courses based at the Dam Site Lodge just five miles east of TorC. If you’re interested in nature photography, scenics and landscapes, or specializing in photographing birds, consider one of the upcoming courses.

The Elephant Butte Lake Recreation Area offers fantastic photo opportunities in all seasons and any time of day or night.

Plans call for hosting a small group of interested “students” at the Dam Site Lodge — a historic building with a meeting room for workshops and separate rooms for lodging. And if you don’t have “the right” camera, fear not. Kenny will arrange to have loaner equipment for you —a great way to find out if a hobby or career in photography is for you without the initial expense.

The restored historic lodge in the Dam Site Historic District has comfortable rooms and a large meeting area with all the modern amenities you’ll need.

Kenny wants to share his perspectives, insights, and expertise on how to improve your photo skills no matter your ability, equipment, or background. The courses will be a blend of discussions of cameras, ideas on technique, and hands-on field trips. There’s more to photography than just framing an image in your viewfinder. From basic to advanced, the workshops will cover a full range of aspects including controlling exposure, using the computer systems within your camera, and understanding today’s digital camera. Or you may be interested in workshops designed for photographing star trails, light painting, moon rise and moon light landscapes, and more.

The photo workshops will provide useful information for all skill levels.

Dam Site Historic District in itself is worth a visit. When the dam was built 100 years ago, a city was created to house the workers and their families. Today some of those buildings have been preserved. In addition to the lodge, there’s a Welcome Center, rentable casitas, a campground, marina, and some of the original houses. Where the town once stood are numerous remnants of stone foundations, stairways, and terraces. And then there’s the beauty of Elephant Butte Lake and some of the best views of Elephant Butte itself. Whether it be sunrise, sunset, or mid-day, photo opportunities abound.

You can learn more about upcoming dates and book workshops and lodging by going to

Or contact Dam Site for information on their year-round lodging options and other amenities at or call 575-894-2073.

The majority of the content for this article was provided by Kenny Rogers Photography – photos by Durrae Johanek and Dam Site Historic District.


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John Johanek
John Johanek

John Johanek spent 40 years in publishing including four years as art director for Popular Mechanics in New York. He then founded his own design consulting firm with clients worldwide. His firm earned the highest awards in magazine design excellence. He’s written numerous articles on the fine points of magazine design in leading industry magazines and presented hundreds of design seminars and workshops for major trade conferences, publishing organizations and private publishers stateside and internationally. He and his wife Durrae have authored two books on Montana (his home state): Montana Behind the Scenes and Montana Folks. For the past several years John has pursued his passion for art and now he and Durrae operate Zia Gallery in Truth or Consequences to showcase their work. He is a member of the board of directors of the Sierra County Public-Interest Journalism Project.

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