Diana Tittle

Diana Tittle

Diana Tittle, a member of the board of Sierra County Public-Interest Journalism Project, was the editor of the Sierra County Sun, the Citizen's precursor. A former resident of Truth or Consequences who now lives part-time in northern New Mexico, she spent her 42-year professional career in Cleveland, Ohio, where she worked as a newspaper reporter, magazine writer and editor, book author and publisher and publishing consultant. She is the recipient of a Cleveland Arts Prize for Literature.

Stuff you need to know, 12.15.23

Today's intelligence from state and national reporting: The New York Times sent a reporter to Sierra County to observe Virgin Galactic's sixth launch at Spaceport America last month. He came back with this full-blown assessment of the history and impact of New Mexico's massive investment in new aerospace industries. Even if you're sick of reading about VG and the Spaceport, the article's color photographs of Truth or Consequences are not to be missed.

Stuff you need to know, 12.4.23

Today's intelligence from state and national reporting: Richard Branson's has pulled off another promotional coup, flying with Britain's transport minister across the Atlantic last week in a Virgin Atlantic jet powered exclusively with sustainable aviation fuel.