A review of "Oppenheimer," the epic movie opening this weekend, and the real-life and continuing fallout in New Mexico of Oppenheimer's achievement in organizing the wartime effort to create the world's first nuclear weapons
Read MoreStuff you need to know, 7.22.23
Today's intelligence: New Mexico to require auto dealers to make increasing numbers of zero-emission vehicles available. Plus: discrimination lawsuit against the New Mexico Spaceport Authority settled
Read MoreStuff you need to know, 7.21.23
Today's intelligence: New Mexico Governor Grisham's White House announcement and Sierra County's unfavorable unemployment rate
Read MoreStuff you need to know, 7.20.23
Just imagine collecting pollen in a mandala many times your size. Awesome!
Read MoreFlowers and their pollinators
Late last year, Congress allocated $3.95 billion to compensate victims of New Mexico's worst wildfire ever. So far,
the Federal Emergency Management Agency has paid out only about $3 million in Hermits Peak-Calf Canyon Fire claims.
Read MoreStuff you need to know, 7.18.23
A public meeting to discuss the proposed solid waste ordinance will be held in the Hillsboro Community Center on Thursday, July 27 at 5:15.
Read MorePublic Meeting for Solid Waste Ordinance
Hot Springs Land Development, after 15 years of ownership and no development having occurred due to legal issues with the City of Truth or Consequences, is giving up their plans.
Read MoreHot Springs Land Development is auctioning its land
Today's intelligence: A looming Arizona water rights conflict involving the production of alfalfa could set legal precedents that will affect agriculture throughout the drought-striken Southwest. Plus: Black Fire relief aid is finally on its way.
Read MoreStuff you need to know, 7.17.23What a great way to make August Art Hop in TorC even better.
Read MoreMikaela Davis in Concert at Artist Abbey
No more well applications will be approved by the Office of the State Engineer in the Hot Springs Underground Water Basin, which includes a lot more than just the Hot Springs District.
Read MoreState Engineer closes Hot Springs Underground Water BasinHistory buffs will want to attend this presentation hosted by the Hillsboro Historical Society.
Read MoreLocal Black Range History Presentation on Saturday August 5th
Today's intelligence: safety lapses at Los Alamos National Laboratory, one of the most senior U.S. Department of Energy research and development labs and a major economic driver for New Mexico
Read MoreStuff you need to know, 7.13.23