Today's intelligence: Technical support to cut through red tape made available to small municpalities seeking some of New Mexico's share of federal Infrastructure Investment monies for water projects. Plus: no more driver's license suspensions for failure to pay traffic fines
Read MoreStuff you need to know, 7.31.23
A public meeting will be held August 2, 2023, at 6 PM, at the Albert Lyon Event Center, 2953 S Broadway St, Truth or Consequences. The purpose is to share public priorities and suggestions with the Sierra County Flood Commissioner pertaining to possible 2023/24 project proposals.
Read MoreFlood Commission seeking public input for projects
Commissioners heard public criticism of their priorities for Sierra County Fairgrounds improvements. Sheriff’s department deputies approved for wolf depredation investigations.
Read MoreHighlights of Sierra County Commission Meeting July 18, 2003
Today's intelligence: Air Force whistleblower testifies before House Oversight subcommittee that the U.S. government is covering up its indepth, longstanding research into "unidentified aerial phenomena."
Read MoreStuff you need to know, 7.28.23
Today's intelligence: How did New Mexico turn blue? Hint: It has a lot to do with the state population's overwhelming urbanization.
Read MoreStuff you need to know, 7.27.23
Should residential use of New Mexico's scare water resources take precedence over agriculture?
Read MoreStuff you need to know, 7.26.23Plan now to be a part of the litter solution by joining 50 million volunteers globally and MainStreet Truth or Consequences -- and others -- locally. Or simply adopt and embellish a TorC trash container to help with downtown beautification.
Read MoreWorld Clean Up Day 2023 in TorC
New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham pledged to “limit adverse climate change impacts" and "build a clean energy future for our people.” Environmental activists and data on such green metrics as emissions and toxic spills say she hasn't followed through.
Read MoreStuff you need to know, 7.25.23
Perspective is an interesting tool. How do we look at things? I spend a lot of time hiking up on wild ridges and find myself envious of the feathered soarers I watch in awe as they have fun with the skies. Cock your head to one side and observe?
Read MoreRoom with a viewOn August 12 -- Second Saturday Art Hop -- artist Jia Apple will open her show of new works titled Nosegay in my Buttonhole: "A Celebration of Women" at RioBravoFineArt in TorC.
Read MoreUpcoming show: “A Celebration of Women” by artist Jia Apple
Where does one go to escape the summer heat?
Read MoreSummer haven
Can you imagine the terror wildlife experience when approaching a busy roadway? Deer and coyotes sense the danger but snakes, lizards, turtles and even tarantulas high-stepping their way do not. Can the Intruders become good neighbors? Please, be more observant of the wildlife that bring us joy in observation.
Read MoreThe intruder