
A story in stone - photo by Jan Haley

I wanted to follow up my last article with a few examples of having fun and expressing passion and creativity with nature writing. Might as well tell a story of natural inspiration. The idea of the Prose, Poetry and Art Exhibition is give students a voice on wilderness.

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Gila wilderness centennial student prose, poetry and art exhibition

The sundrenched bloom has opened

This is a call out to students and teachers who live and study in the communities surrounding the Gila and Aldo Leopold Wildernesses. It is an opportunity to speak your passion via words or paint. Please join the Celebration.

Read MoreGila wilderness centennial student prose, poetry and art exhibition

Money flows from Staten Island to Sierra County to buy property with help from tax deferments 

Rio Del Sol golf clubhouse

PreReal Investments of Staten Island is buying and fixing up properties around Williamsburg, Truth or Consequences and Elephant Butte with help from a tax-deferment program little used in New Mexico.

Read MoreMoney flows from Staten Island to Sierra County to buy property with help from tax deferments 

T or C’s legislative request for $20 million in emergency waterline repairs—the engineering plan

View of inside of old galvanized iron water pipe, image courtesy of Chicago Plumbing's Facebook page

I submitted an IPRA for the engineering document that relates to the city's legislative request last year and this year. Finally, I received a relevant document this year; only three pages long, but enlightening.

Read MoreT or C’s legislative request for $20 million in emergency waterline repairs—the engineering plan

Read ballot language carefully before you vote “for” or “against” the $4.5-million bond issue

Make note of the fine print in Ordinance 756 (wall of post-it notes shown)

What the city commission and chief of police say and what the ballot language says differs. And whether the people can afford to pay for emergency and long-term repairs to the water infrastructure, as well as pay for a "public safety building" has never been asked or answered.

Read MoreRead ballot language carefully before you vote “for” or “against” the $4.5-million bond issue

T or C City Commission approves $4.8 M three-year bond debt for water project

T or C water tank, located on Cemetery Road, close to exit 79, courtesy of City-Data

The city received a $7.5-million grant/loan from USDA for a water project, but it comes with interim-financing requirements that are complicated and expensive. The USDA waits until after construction is completed before it gives the grant or loan. The grant is for $2.7 million and the loan for $4.8 million.

Read MoreT or C City Commission approves $4.8 M three-year bond debt for water project