Stuff you need to know, 2.12.24

bar shelves with alcohol bottles

Today's intelligence from state and/or national reporting: for those who want "in the weeds" details about bills and issues under consideration by the New Mexico Legislature. Part 8 of this series lays out the ongoing debate among legislators about the kind of alcohol taxes needed to reduce consumption in a state with worst-in-the-nation rates of alcohol-related deaths.

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Stuff you need to know, 2.9.24

stalled car

Today's intelligence from state and/or national reporting: for those who want "in the weeds" details about bills and issues under consideration by the New Mexico Legislature. Part 7 of this series provides an update on whether the governor's stalled anti-crime and gun violence package can be salvaged before the legislative session ends next week.

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Weighing the likelihood of getting $20M and $16M from legislature for water system failures

Plato quote from Senator Crystal Diamond Brantley's FaceBook page

We, the poor rate payers whose water rates have gone up about 80 percent in the last five years, hope the city gets both of these legislative requests, otherwise rates are going to go up even more, according to T or C Mayor Rolf Hechler.

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