T or C mayor and husband charged with cruelty and other counts involving their 14 dogs

A dog inside a kennel with a bowl of scummy water.

Whether Truth or Consequences Mayor Amanda Forrister and her husband are exempt from the law she enacted hangs in the balance--as does the fate of their 14 dogs--which are underfed, unvaccinated, unlicensed and 10 dogs over the limit allowed without a special-use permit.

Read MoreT or C mayor and husband charged with cruelty and other counts involving their 14 dogs

Sierra county commission special meeting 10/25/22: highlights

Cartoon showing three cowboy hatted men sitting behind a desk with Sierra county logo behind them

The meeting focused on flood issues, flood commissioner Jones’ report on work and strategies, and emergency administrator Williams’ effort to help property owners find flood assistance. The board also approved an “Opioid Remediation Collaborative” with six other counties and an appropriation to the Sheriff’s office for officer retention.

Read MoreSierra county commission special meeting 10/25/22: highlights