Racehorses, slot machines and election campaigns

In New Mexico, horse racetracks have become centers of political power. This is a republication of a September 11 article by Noah Raess and Joshua Bowling in Searchlight New Mexico.
In New Mexico, horse racetracks have become centers of political power. This is a republication of a September 11 article by Noah Raess and Joshua Bowling in Searchlight New Mexico.
The ballot measure for $3 million in general obligation bonds for water, sewer and roads passed two years ago. How many voters knew or cared that property taxes would double or triple to pay off that debt?
Odd that the Sierra County Citizen is breaking the news and not the Sentinel about the sale of the radio station. The sale has been in the works for a year and the deal closed over three months ago.
Attorneys for the state say that landowners are refusing to comply with a 2022 NM Supreme Court ruling allowing public access to rivers and streams. Republication of article by Danielle Prokop, of Source NM, September 6, 2024.
Republication of an article by Ed Williams, from Searchlight New Mexico, July 18, 2024, describing the choices undocumented people in Las Cruces face in dealing with serious health issues that can only be treated in Albuquerque.
'Astonishing' Study Shows Infant Deaths Rise in US When Bat Populations Fall. Common Dreams has published an article examining the implications of this study. Ecologists assume that life on the planet is interconnected. While that makes sense, hard evidence has been slow to accumulate. This study seems a major demonstration.
Leveraging federal Medicaid dollars could grow home visiting program - NM Political Report
This Saturday the 7th of Septembre from 10am til 2pm
It's sickening that Augustin Plains Ranch, owned by an Italian billionaire, has forced the people to pay for legal battle after legal battle to stave off a massive water grab.
We know the electoral college elects the President, but do we know how few votes it takes to change the electoral college composition? Here is a detailed breakdown of how so few people end up deciding the results of a democratic election, courtesy of The Guardian.
The funds for the Citizen are down to the last few hundred dollars, enough to get us to October. But we hope readers will donate enough to get us through all of next year.
Pollinators have been late and fewer this summer...
I love to imagine what these flowers look like to them.