A whole slate of programs is scheduled to mark this event
Join the Socorro Peace Vigil in a march for Peace in Palestine.
Today's intelligence from state and/or national Reporting: public meeting on Spaceport America master plan announced for early next month in Truth or Consequences
This is a call out to students and teachers who live and study in the communities surrounding the Gila and Aldo Leopold Wildernesses. It is an opportunity to speak your passion via words or paint. Please join the Celebration.
A schedule of upcoming free Kingston / Hillsboro events has been released.
The MeTteORiC art event returns to TorC on the last weekend in February after a pandemic hiatus. Here's the full weekend line-up.
February is shaping up to be a very busy month for Sierra County arts and culture
Wil Maring and Robert Bowlin will be performing live at the Hillsboro Community Center
The Sierra County Arts Council announces their upcoming schedules for Art Talks and Music Mix
The TorC arts community — led by the Sierra County Arts Council — has a full schedule planned for early 2024.
In addition to regular business the commission is scheduled to discuss and vote on two ordinances. The first is “Codifying the New Mexico Enabling Act” and the second is “Indigent Healthcare”. The Flood Commission will present its annual report.
The Sierra County Commission has published an ordinance “to void” any “Law, Mandate or Order issued by the Government of the State of New Mexico” that the commission determines is “contrary to the Constitution of the United States”. That proposed ordinance will be the subject of an upcoming public meeting.