The New Mexico Health Care Authority, which began operations yesterday, is meant to streamline the state’s health care system, expanding access to more residents. Plus: other bills aimed at improving governmental programs that went into effect on July 1.
The city commission blithely and without question accepted a $7.8 million estimate to not fix Cantrell Dam, but to "breach" it, as well as to increase downstream channel capacity. Two years ago the estimate was $1.7 million.
This idea of a flood control district is being rushed through with no public discussion by the Sierra County Commission. Will you vote for it in November? And who's running to be a flood-control director? Favorites with county commissioners? Who else would know to run?
Truth or Consequences has provided insufficient water pressure to the hospital, elementary schools and the vets home. What other businesses or facilities are suffering? The hospital and vets home paid for and fixed the problem on their own. Your public funds at work--double time.
The impending retirement of New Mexico's state engineer raises the question of whether it is time to reform state law requiring that influential officeholder to only have expertise in engineering when alternative green infrastructure approaches to water management hold such promise?
Emergency waterline repairs needed south of the hospital and radiating out from Veater Street are a year away. Final design and going out to bid will take that long. The fix will replace 17 percent of the city's water pipes.
It's a good thing students are on summer break. The fancy new roundabouts and the city's required relocation of its water and sewer pipes may be the source of pressure problems, or it could be that cluster of leaks resulting from the massive water leak on Arrowhead Street.
Oh for reality-based leadership instead of hunkydoryism. Elected officials bought too much new hospital, evidently expecting more people would move here and pay more in property taxes and gross receipts taxes--the revenue sources expected to pay off the loan. It wasn't enough then and it isn't enough now.
The Sierra County Commission is trying to get the question of a flood control taxing district on the Nov. 5 ballot without telling the people it is a taxing district.
This series of events happening in Kingston this coming weekend were meant to be included in the previous posting. Please join the folks in Kingston and the surrounding communities for their Gila Wilderness Centennial festivities.
New Mexico is at especially high risk for hospital aquisitions that could limit health care. It now has a new law that could make such deals more transparent to the affected communities.