There comes a time when someone has to decide to fight or to let it go. One can also fight quietly and not lose the joy some of us find imperative to a good healthy life. This post is my path.
This Saturday join in an Earth Day potluck celebration at Ingo's Art Cafe on Broadway in TorC.
Significant new state and federal investments in the recreational, water supply and health care assets of southern New Mexico
In a country that prides itself on scientific excellence and innovation, and spends an incredible amount of money on health care, why does the American populace on average keep dying at younger and younger ages?
Some say there are no healthcare choices in TorC or Sierra County. Not so...
Today's intelligence: The state's Democratic leadership erects a roadblock to the construction of a proposed facility to "temporarily" store spent nuclear fuel in southeastern New Mexico.
Today's intelligence: rights to reproductive health care and gender-affirming care strengthened in New Mexico
Today's intelligence: the lastest on a proposed state alcohol tax, the state budget, an attempt by the EPA to increase clean water standards and the deepening financial troubles of a Virgin Galactic sister space-launch company
The Republican Party of Sierra County is hoping that you will believe that protecting LGBTQ persons' rights and women's and girl's rights to seek or not to seek an abortion are somehow an impingement of parents' and conscientious-objectors' rights. It's confusing, which is the point.
Today's intelligence: The end of free COVID vaccines, tests and treatments for New Mexicans is near.
We often gaze at life through a filter, a window. What we see and experience from either inside or out varies and most often colors how we perceive. When you step outside, reality is a ready embrace
Today's intelligence: According to a special report by Searchlight New Mexico, Truth or Consequences's last best hope to avoid a water infrastructure meltdown is an infusion of cash drawn from the pools of discretionary monies that the governor and state legislators can use to fund high-priority projects.