Head out to Kingston this weekend for poetry, art and song celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Gila Wilderness. An event brought to you by the Southwest Environmental Education Center, Sierra County Arts Council, and Gila Ancestral Homelands.
There are many places in this country we call home, where one can easily slip into being a community member of the land instead of the consumer. It is a refreshing reminder to escape the keep out culture of urban living and rejoice in such a wild place, the Catwalk.
Today's intelligence from state and/or national reporting: Southwestern states are beginning to look to public lands as potential sites for building much-needed, affordable housing. Plus: Recipients of New Mexico's first round of outdoor recreation marketing grants have been announced.
While waiting for a decision on the mine's protested application to transfer water rights to their wells for use at Copper Flat, I thought you might be interested in the positions finally taken by all the parties in the trial.
Today's intelligence from state and/or national reporting: Bipartisan legislation introduced last week by New Mexico CD2 Representative Gabe Vasquez seeks to better preserve public access to public lands.
This is a call out to students and teachers who live and study in the communities surrounding the Gila and Aldo Leopold Wildernesses. It is an opportunity to speak your passion via words or paint. Please join the Celebration.
Most of the things in life which bring a smile to our face are simple. There is nothing better than watching the play of toddler or a young pup to remind us of the simple joys.
This article is a follow up on my last article, Real resolutions for the new year. This whole court case over one couple locking out the public from access to public lands, all hinges on a legal ruling called Prescriptive Easement. What does this mean?
Today's intelligence from state and/or national reporting: Millions in federal funds lost to New Mexico community-based recreation projects because of inadequate state parks department staffing.